Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 1034: Gu Yang won the banner of bravery for justice

  Chapter 1034 Gu Yang Receives the Banner of Being Brave for Justice

   Facing his little niece's shining eyes full of admiration, Xiao Zhengqian laughed loudly and heartily.

  Xiao Dingkun next to him didn't even notice.

   But unfortunately, he was not in the army, but in politics, and he was not injured.

  Gu Yang, as a qualified Duan Shui master, of course discovered the loss of his father, and said with a smile: "My father is very good at taking care of all kinds of opportunities for the country and the people."

  Xiao Dingkun's face is still serious, but the corners of his lips are slightly raised.

   At this time, Grandpa Xiao and Grandma Xiao also walked over slowly.

  Grandpa Xiao put his hands behind his back, and said leisurely: "When I went to the battlefield, it was a cold winter, and I ran out of ammunition and food. What I faced was the enemy's artillery tanks..."

  Gu Yang's eyes became brighter, "Grandpa is the most powerful."

  Grandpa Xiao laughed.

   "My sister is also very good."

   At this time, Lin Ran came to the door.

   "Grandpa Xiao, Grandma Xiao, all uncles and aunts, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

  Lin Ran greeted everyone with a smile.

  The Xiao family and the Lin family are family friends, and Xiao Yize and Lin Ran are good brothers. It is not uncommon for Lin Ran to come to visit during festivals.

   "What are you doing here?" Xiao Cheng also couldn't get used to Lin Ran who robbed his sister in front of him.

  He pulled Gu Yang and said to her: "Sister, this guy loves younger sisters all over the capital. He is best at deceiving feelings with sweet words. Don't get too close to him."

  Gu Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

  Lin Ran was very unconvinced, "Xiao Cheng, I can hear you, don't speak ill of me in my sister's ear, I've done my best."

  Lin Ran unfolded the long axis in his hand, and it was a pennant with the words "Brave for righteousness" written on it.

  The signature below is the Beijing Police Station, and it is also stamped with the official seal.

  He handed the pennant to Gu Yang with a smile, "Sister, I'm here to give you the pennant."

  Gu Yang harvested a pennant.

  Gu Zhaoming suggested to Xiao Dingkun: "Hang it at home. Yangyang's pennant last time is still hanging at my house."

  Even when moving, Gu Zhaoming carried the pennant with him.

  Xiao Dingkun also learned from Tong Wan that Gu Yang saved people in the shopping mall that day, and nodded with You Rongyan, "It's just right to change the position of the picture of the horse in the living room."

  Gu Yangchou refused, holding the pennant, and ran back to the house, "I'll put it in the room and keep it."

  Which honor in the Xiao family is not more important than her pennant?

  But everyone hides their honor at the bottom of the box, showing off in a low-key manner.

  She kept this little pennant by herself, and she felt blushed when she hung it up.

   Seeing Gu Yang running fast, the yard was filled with laughter.

  In a blink of an eye, the autumn wind blows, and the capital is covered with fallen leaves.

  Blue Whale Team's online review has basically ended, and finally more than 20 people have been screened out to be eligible for offline interviews.

  Gu Pei and Qin Xian are among them.

  After hearing the news, Gu Pei was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night.

   "Sister, I heard that you can meet the members of the Blue Whale team in the offline interview, ahh, my dream has finally come true!" Gu Pei seemed to be going crazy.

  Gu Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and looked helplessly at Gu Jin and Feng Jue over there.

  Gu Pei didn't notice the helpless and speechless expressions of Gu Yang and the three of them, and ran around like a husky in the living room of Gu's house, "If I pass the interview, I can play games with Whale God and the others!"

  Gu Jin, who was lazily leaning on the sofa over there, raised her eyelids lightly, "Then you have to work hard, this is the only chance, if you miss it, you won't miss it."

   "Does it need to be said? I will definitely go all out. I have been studying the moves of the Blue Whale team during this time. If I join, I will definitely be able to cooperate with them tacitly in the future!"

  Gu Pei is full of confidence.

  Gu Pei looked at Gu Jin and Feng Jue again, wondering: "By the way, Gu Jin, Feng Jue, aren't you two good at playing games? Why didn't you apply to join?"

  (end of this chapter)

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