Chapter 1045 Burning

  At first, she thought that Xiao Yang might be fine, but when she saw that familiar face just now, Shen Qin was sure that Xiao Yang was a fake!

  Lopei Lan drove Shen Qin home, Shen Qin leaned on the back seat and dozed off, not knowing what to think, and his eyes were full of irritability.

   "Stop!" She suddenly shouted.

   "Master?" Lopelan pulled over and turned to look at Shen Qin with doubts on her face, "Where are you going? I'll see you off."


  Shen Qin took an umbrella, got out of the car, and stood under the streetlight, in the shadows, "No need. I want to walk alone."

  Lopelin: "Be careful."


  Shen Qin walked along the sidewalk alone for a long time, then took a taxi, and went to a villa on the outskirts of the capital.

  The villa is empty and quiet, only the sound of rain at night.

  This villa belongs to Shen Qin, who doesn't live there often, and only has a nanny here. It's quiet here, and she will come to live here for a period of time at the beginning of every month.

  The nanny was a little surprised when she saw Shen Qin, "Miss Shen, are you here?"

  Thinking about it carefully, it's the end of the month, and it's almost the beginning of the month, so it's not surprising that Shen Qin will come here.

  Shen Qin walked upstairs and asked, "Mother Zhang, how is he doing?"

  Mother Zhang shook her head, "It's still the same."

  At the end of the second floor, there is a house with lights on. The door of this house is completely different from the doors of other rooms, it is reinforced.

  And there is a window next to the door. It is a window, but it is a hole. It is not too big or too small. You can stick your head out, but you can't let your body come out completely.

  Through this window, you can see the scene in the room.

  However, the bedroom was empty, the bathroom door was closed, and there was constant sound of water coming from inside.

  Mother Zhang said beside him: "Master just had dinner and took medicine, and he should be taking a bath now. Miss, do you want to come see him later?"

  Shen Qin was about to go downstairs when he suddenly noticed water overflowing from the crack in the bathroom door.

  The sound of water kept coming, and the overflowing water spread out, glowing red.

  Shen Qin's eyes sank, panic was rarely seen in her eyes, she shouted: "Brother! Shen Ran!"

   Didn't hear a response, Shen Qin's heart became colder and colder, "Mother Zhang, quickly, give me the key!"

  Mother Zhang also realized that something was wrong, and immediately ran downstairs to get the key.

  She is usually responsible for delivering meals to Shen Ran, and only goes in to clean the room once a week, and she doesn't have the keys on her body at other times.

  Shen Qin got the key and told Mama Zhang, "Call Dr. Lin quickly."

   Then she hurriedly opened the door and went straight to the bathroom.

  The bathroom door was locked, Shen Qin kicked hard and slammed on the door, and said anxiously: "Brother! Shen Ran! Come out! Come out!"

  But there was no response from inside.

   There is no sharp weapon in Shen Ran's bedroom, Shen Qin couldn't find a tool for a while, and his strength was not strong enough, even if he kept banging on the door, it still didn't help.

   Just as Shen Qin was flustered, someone suddenly raised his leg and kicked the door open.

   The force was so heavy that the entire door was almost removed.

   She turned around in a daze, and saw Cao Cuo holding the cat back.

   Along with Cao Cuo are Gu Yang, Gu Jin and Feng Jue.

  Mother Zhang followed behind, hurriedly explaining: "Miss Shen, if they insist on breaking in, I can't stop them."

  Shen Qin didn't have time to think about how Gu Yang and the others appeared here. When she saw the young man lying in the bathtub, tears rolled down her eyes, and she rushed over immediately.

   "Brother! Shen Ran, wake up!"

  The bathroom was filled with hot air, and the water in the bathtub was stained red with blood. As hot water continued to pour into the bathtub, the red water continued to overflow. Full of **** smell.

   The bare-chested young man leaning in the bathtub was pale and dying.

  (end of this chapter)

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