Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 1050: He wished that his sister belonged to him alone.

  Chapter 1050 He still wished that his sister belonged to him alone

  Shen Ran won't wake up for a while, Shen Qin helped him go through the hospitalization procedures.

   It was very late, Gu Yang and the others did not go back to school.

  Gu Yang wanted to go back to Xiao's house, Gu Jin and Feng Jue sent her outside Xiao's old house, watched her go back, and then left.

   Early the next morning, Gu Yang went to the Beijing Mental Hospital.

  Ji Minghui was surprised when he saw her, "Yangyang doesn't have class today?"

  Gu Yang usually only goes to the Beijing Psychiatric Hospital on weekends, but today is Monday.

   "I applied for an exemption from advanced studies, so I don't have to go to class. Dean Ji, I want to see a doctor. The more people the better, the sick should be serious." Gu Yang mainly wanted to find something to do.

  She didn't want to be bothered by whether she was okay or not.

"That's great!" Ji Minghui couldn't wait for her, and became more and more enthusiastic about her. "The most important thing in our hospital is patients. However, our hospital can treat these patients' illnesses, but they can be cured quickly without you. Let you treat them all. It's like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, it's a waste of your time."

  Gu Yang said: "It's okay. Today will be a free clinic."

  Gu Yang's outpatient consultation fee is expensive, and now he is willing to provide free free consultation. Ji Minghui arranged for her immediately without further ado.

  So Gu Yang spent the whole day in the psychiatric hospital, and Ji Minghui prepared a special office for her.

  At noon, both Feng Jue and Gu Jin sent her messages, wanting to ask her out for dinner, but Gu Yang refused.

  When Ji Linbai came to the hospital to see Ji Minghui, he brought her food by the way.

  Gu Yang opened it and saw that it was a new set meal from Yunjian Shuixie. Last time she went to eat with the elder sister, she said it was delicious and liked it.

   "Did my sister ask you to bring it for me?" Gu Yang asked Ji Linbai while picking up the meal.

  Ji Linbai knew it was useless to lie in front of Gu Yang, so he nodded: "Boss said you like to eat this, in case you are hungry and won't eat, so let me bring it here."

  Gu Yang: "Thank you."

  Ji Linbai is also a psychiatrist, and he can obviously feel that Gu Yang's state today is not right.

Because of Ruan Chu and Gu Jin, Ji Linbai has long regarded Gu Yang as his younger sister, "Yang Yang, boss is not good at expressing feelings, but she cares about you very much. If you have any misunderstandings, you must make it clear and don't freeze. "

"Yes. You are also a psychiatrist. Don't just care about other people's mental health and mental state, you should also care about yourself." When Ji Minghui saw that Gu Yang had been working non-stop all morning, using hypnosis to help people heal , also noticed that she had something on her mind.

  Gu Yang nodded obediently, "En."

  Ji Minghui asked: "So why did you guys get into a fight? Do you want me to analyze it for you?"

   "No need, we didn't have any troubles, but there are some things we can't figure out."

  Gu Yang felt that there was no way to talk about this matter, and he could only wait for the truth to be revealed.

  Grassing Internet Cafe.

  Gu Jin also received a message from Ji Linbai, and also sent a picture of Gu Yang burying his head in cooking, his clear and serious face softened a little.

  Feng Jue looked eagerly at the chat page with Gu Yang, he swiped the screen on this side, but Gu Yang didn't reply a word on the other side.

  Feng Jue was a little depressed: "My sister is obviously avoiding us."

Cao Cuo caressed the orange cat: "The most urgent thing is to find the person Shen Qin saw in the surveillance. When I saw her, Yangyang's face in my memory instantly became clear. Yangyang who was in the orphanage should be That look."

  Feng Jue frowned, stared at Cao Cuo and sneered: "Cao Cuo, do you also think she is my sister? Okay, then you can go to her one or two, I will guard my sister."

  He wished that his sister belonged to him alone! snort!

  (end of this chapter)

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