Chapter 1052 Möbius Ring

  The "∞" became brighter, and the surrounding area became darker.

  Gu Yang stared at it intently, noticed that it was slowly rotating, and then realized that the "∞" was not a plane symbol, but a three-dimensional one, and there was no intersection in the middle, but a whole ring.

   Möbius ring?

  Gu Yang reached out to touch it, but at this moment, she heard the alarm.

  Gu Yang opened his eyes, and found that he had actually closed his eyes just now and hadn't woken up.

  The phone's alarm is still ringing, it's the alarm clock she set. It is usually best to take a nap for about half an hour, and the longest should not exceed an hour. She set an alarm clock for 40 minutes.

  She didn't sleep well just now, and she was still groggy and tired after waking up.

  The state of being conscious but unable to move in a dream just now is obviously sleep paralysis, also called nightmare, or commonly known as "ghost press".

  She has been helping people to hypnotize or do psychological counseling all morning. It may be because she is too tired and mentally exhausted, so she has nightmares during her nap.

   In the afternoon.

  Ji Minghui came to see her and found that she was stunned and listless.

   "Yang Yang. Yang Yang?"

Gu Yang was holding his chin with one hand in a daze, his mind was full of the "Mobius ring" he saw in his nightmare, until Ji Minghui reached out and shook his hand in front of her, and she came back to her senses, "Ah, Dean Ji .”

   It was rare for Ji Minghui to see her like this, and smiled: "Are you in a daze? Did you not rest at noon?"

   "It's a nightmare." Gu Yang has a regular schedule and doesn't stay up late, and rarely has nightmares. He thinks it's a strange feeling, but it's really not a good feeling.

"Maybe it's because you're too tired in the morning. You can't do this non-stop high-intensity work. You have to go out to get some air and relax." Ji Minghui went to help her open the window. The sun shines through the window. The asparagus bamboo is swaying gracefully.

  The green asparagus bamboo on the table makes people look very comfortable, fresh and pleasant, Gu Yang stretched out his hand to play with it gently.

  Ji Minghui turned his head and saw that she was still sitting there, "Aren't you going? I'm really kicking people out. I won't arrange patients for you this afternoon."

  Gu Yang was helpless, "Then I'm leaving, come back tomorrow?"

Ji Minghui waved away people, sent Gu Yang to the door, and closed the door by the way, "Okay. You go back and rest before we talk. I'm very pleased that you love our business so much, but you can't wear yourself out .”

  When the door is closed, there is a wind blowing from the window, the curtains are fluttering, the room is bright and dark, the asparagus bamboo is swaying, and the room is quiet and quiet.

  Gu Yang went to the psychiatric hospital for several days in a row, doing free free consultations.

  The professors in the Psychological Society and the Psychiatric Society, after hearing about it, scolded Ji Minghui Zhou Papi for squeezing their group favorites, while smiling kindly and pulling her to join their respective academic research projects.

  As long as the time is right, Gu Yang will not refuse anyone who comes.

  At first, she just wanted to divert her attention, not to think about what was there, and she also wanted to avoid the small blood bank and the big sister first, but later she became obsessed with her career and couldn't extricate herself.

   Moreover, she found that the more hypnotism is used, the higher the level will be, and the spiritual power will continue to be strengthened while being overdrawn.

  During the period, she went to the Alien Warrior Department. Academician Lin re-did some specific testing items for her, and found that her mental strength had improved rapidly.

  The last time she went there, her ability was only developed to 70%, but this time she has developed to more than 90%. And as long as she is fully developed, she will be a real SSS-level hypnotist.

  (end of this chapter)

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