Chapter 160 Gu Jin playing games?

  Ruan Xueling frowned, "This child..."

  She looked at Gu Jin again, and was about to say something, but she saw that Gu Jin didn't care about it, and was still playing games casually.

  Gu Yang noticed that Gu Pei had sent her a WeChat message.

  Gu Pei: [Sister, don't worry, since I'm back, I will definitely not let you be wronged again! Wait, now is just the beginning, I will definitely help you teach Gu Jin a lesson! 】

  Gu Yang's eyelids twitched, the second brother in middle school is in the rhythm of dying.

  The person you want to teach now is not only your own sister, but also your light, your belief, and the idol you worship—the e-sports **** Whale Fall.

   Seeing that the Second Brother brought her a gift, she decided to remind him: [Brother, I have not been wronged, besides, how do you want to teach Sister Gu Jin a lesson? Lesson in the game? Sister Gu Jin is better than you. 】

  Gu Pei’s tone was full of self-confidence of a sophomore boy: [If I teach a lesson in the game, I can beat her to kneel down and call her daddy, and she will die a hundred or eighty times in one round! 】

  Gu Yang: "..."

  Young man, you are so ambitious!

   Saying this, you are afraid that you will be hanged and beaten by your father first.

  Gu Yang said that he waited for his second brother to be slapped in the face.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Gu Pei went downstairs with his mobile phone in his pocket. He walked up to Gu Jin in twos and twos. Seeing that she was playing "Legend of the Gods" and her level was still bronze, he smiled contemptuously: "Weak chicken. Listen Mom said that you play God every day and get back the bronze every day. You are really good. If I were as good as you, I would have given up my account and quit playing."

  Gu Yang: "..."

  Because that is the trumpet newly practiced by the elder sister.

  Big brother and sister reached the full level in about a week after the last account.

   I didn't expect the second brother in the middle school to have such a strong desire to die, so he went to provoke the elder sister so soon.

  Gu Jin heard Gu Pei's words, raised her eyes and glanced at him, her cold brows were slightly irritated: "Get lost."

  Gu Pei pointed at himself in astonishment: "You tell me to get lost?"

   I didn't expect that this bumpkin not only didn't please him, but also treated him so badly!

  Gu Pei said violently: "This is my house, if you want to get out, it's you, Gu Jin, to get out! Sis, what do you think?"

  Gu Pei looked at Gu Yang.

  Gu Yang shook his head: "No."

  Gu Pei was stunned: "..."

  Gu Pei comforted himself, her sister must still be on his side in her heart, it's just that her sister has always been gentle and magnanimous, and she didn't care about Gu Jin, so she just denied it!

Seeing that Gu Jin ignored her and was still playing the game, Gu Pei sneered, glanced at her game interface, raised her chin and said, "Weak chicken, you are rushing up now to give away the head! It really is a professional trick for teammates. Wait." Well, your side is doomed..."

  Gu Pei was still chattering, but at this moment, an electronic sound came from Gu Jin’s phone——


  Gu Pei was stunned, and suddenly turned his head to look at the interface of Gu Jin's phone.

  However, Gu Jin had already turned off the screen and stuffed the phone in his pocket, raised a pair of glass-like phoenix eyes and glanced at him, his cold brows were a little impatient: "There's so much nonsense."

  Gu Yang knew that the big sister hated the most when others chattered beside her while she was playing games.

  Gu Pei came back to his senses after being scolded, and his tantrum came up in an instant, "I don't want anyone to talk about my food! I'm so anxious to put away my phone because I'm afraid that my record is too good and I'll see it!"

   Gu Jin must have won by relying on his teammates to fly and lie down just now!

  Gu Yang watched from the side and raised his forehead silently, the big brother and sister must be the MVP!

   If you want to blame, you can only blame the second brother's bad eyesight and didn't see it.

  (end of this chapter)

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