Chapter 182 is okay

  Wednesday morning, when Gu Yang and Gu Jin went to the classroom, the students in the classroom were still gathering in twos and threes to discuss the exams for the first two days.

   "The moment I saw the questioner, I understood that this exam is for the senior year's proposition group to frustrate us!" Lu Mao said bitterly and bitterly.

  Zhu Di also looked distressed: "The math derivative questions are all beyond the outline. I read the answers just posted in the group, and they seem to use the knowledge of college advanced calculus. Hey, Xu Xuanyan, how did you do in the exam?"

  Xu Xuanyan was not good at math in class one, and when she heard Zhu Di ask her, she was a little annoyed: "Not so good!"

   Seeing Gu Jin who entered the door with Gu Yang, Xu Xuanyan's mood improved, "Although it's not very good, I can still get more than 110 points, which should be considered better than someone else."

  She didn't prepare enough for this exam, she felt that she failed the exam, and she was far behind Gu Yang, but it's still okay to beat Gu Jin!

   "More than one hundred and ten is not bad. The difficulty factor of this mathematics test is high, and the estimated score of Lu Mao, the representative of mathematics, is only more than one hundred and twenty."

  Xu Xuanyan's mood improved when she heard this. No wonder Lu Mao was silent this time. It turned out that he only scored more than 120 points.

  Lu Mao is serious about partial subjects, Chinese is always on the edge of the passing line, and mathematics is basically above 140. It can be said to be Lao Wang's treasure and Tao Yan's grass.

  Usually, when he did well in the exam, he would be chatting endlessly in high spirits.

  Xu Xuanyan regained her confidence and looked at Gu Yang and Gu Jin, "Gu Yang, Gu Jin, how did you do in the exam?"

  Gu Jin casually said, "It's okay."

  Gu Yang roughly compared with Yuan Chen's previous results, and said, "It's not bad."

  Xu Xuanyan sneered: "The Chinese culture is extensive and profound. The meaning of your two sisters is not bad, it is really the opposite."

   "Gu Yang's mathematics is on par with Lu Xiaopang's. If she's not bad, she must have done well in the exam. As for Gu Jin, she's not bad, hehe..."

  Gu Yang: "..." Ah, here it comes again, the atmosphere group that wants to kill her is using her and the big sister as a control group again!

   "My sister and I have the same meaning." Gu Yang smiled.

   "The old king is here!"

  At this time, a boy rushed into the classroom to report.

  All the students belong to you for reading, for those who do the questions, one is more serious than the other, and the other is quieter than the other.

  When Wang Anbang went upstairs with the test paper, he met the math teacher from the second class next door.

  Jincheng No. 1 Middle School is a provincial key high school. There are more than 20 classes with strong competition. Each exam will be based on grades.

Although Class One is the only top class, but because of the high mobility of the class, many students from Classes One to Five have been in Class One, and many of them were dismissed after failing the exam for a while, and it is very likely that they will return to Class One next time. class.

  So in name, classes 1 to 5 are key classes.

   Among them, class one and class two are "like a family", after all, many students bounce back and forth between the two classes.

  There is not much difference between the two classes, the students are familiar with each other, and the competition is strong.

  Especially because the head teachers of the two classes are all math teachers, it is inevitable that math is easier to compare with each other.

   "Old Wang, I heard that your class has a perfect score this time?" The head teacher of the second class is a tall and thin middle-aged man, and he almost caught up with Lao Wang's back.

  Wang Anbang stopped cheerfully holding the test paper, raised his small eyebrows, quite proudly: "Yes."

  The head teacher of the second class couldn't understand his proud appearance, rolled his eyes, and asked: "What is the average score of your class in mathematics this time? A few perfect scores can't bring back the low score of the transfer student, right?"

  (end of this chapter)

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