Chapter 193 Hacker Top Jinni

Wu Rongying immediately walked to the podium to watch the surveillance video on the computer, saw the enlarged screenshot of Xu Xuanyan, and said angrily: "It's too bad! I'll call the principal right now. Students who cheated when they first came to No. 1 Middle School will not be expelled." What to do here!"

  All members of the first class were shocked.

   "Damn it, what a turn of events, did Gu Jin cheat for real?"

   "It's too arrogant to cheat with a mobile phone. If she hadn't accidentally lifted the backing board when she was flipping through the test paper, the surveillance probably didn't notice that she hid the phone under the backing board, right?"

   "No matter what Gu Jin is doing with her phone hidden underneath, if she carries her phone with her or even puts it on the table during the exam, then she will be punished as cheating!"

  Everyone talked a lot.

   There are also some academic masters who have been slapped in the face many times before, and they don't believe it: "Gu Jin has full marks in other subjects, and English should not be bad. There is no need to cheat, right?"

   "Anyway, I'm scared of being slapped in the face, so I don't stand in line and eat melons in silence."

  Gu Yang lay on the table watching the surveillance video of the computer in the classroom, guessing blindly, Xu Xuanyan's surveillance has been processed.

  She guessed blindly again, the monitoring in the school's monitoring room was either deleted or hacked.

  However, these are not enough for the big brother and sister.

  Because the big sister has a vest, she is the top hacker on the dark web——Jinni

  Jinni, meaning: gods, immortals.

  In the hacker world, Gu Jin arrogantly calls himself a god.

Wu Rongying walked up to Gu Jin, the disgust in her eyes could overflow, and the words of reprimand came out cracklingly: "You are Gu Jin, don't think that if you have money in your family and put you in the top class, you can do whatever you want. Fu Er in the class You are not the only one, how can Xu Xuanyan and Mo Mo be able to abide by the rules?

  Since you don’t have that strength, you shouldn’t be in the first class, occupying resources that don’t belong to you. Don't think that if you enter a wealthy family from the countryside, you can fly up the branches and become a phoenix. "

  Wu Rongying has a loud voice and wears a small bee amplifier, even Gu Yang can't help but cover his ears, let alone Gu Jin who has a bad temper.

  Gu Jin's cold brows showed irritability, eyebrows furrowed, grabbed the answer sheet on the table into a ball, threw it into her mouth casually, "Noisy."

  Wu Rongying didn't expect Gu Jin to be so arrogant and dare to gag her mouth, she widened her eyes in astonishment.

  Xu Xuanyan and others who were gloating around, and Lu Mao and others who were watching the play were all taken aback, and the class fell silent for a moment.

   After three seconds of silence, the whole class erupted.

   "Hold the grass, Gu Jin is too arrogant, isn't she? How could he treat the English teacher like this?"

   "A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. Gu Jin really deserves to be from the country. She is barbaric and vulgar. She disrespects the teacher so much."

"Uh... I think what the old hag Wu said is too much. Yao Bingxue also put the evidence magazine on the table before, but Teacher Tao Yan didn't scold Gu Jin as soon as she came up, but asked Gu Jin how to explain it." Someone is weak in the crowd.

   There are also students who don't like Wu Rongying, who find Gu Jin's behavior very pleasing to the eye: "It's cool that Gu Jin stuffed paper **** in the air just now!"

  Gu Yang listened to everyone's discussion, and wanted to say, Big Brother and Sister have restrained themselves.

  In the original book, when Wu Rongying reprimanded Gu Jin for cheating, she reached out and tried to drag her out of the first class, saying that she was not worthy of staying in the first class, but Gu Jin fell over her shoulder to the ground.

  The original book assumes that Wu Rongying, an English teacher, is an excellent teacher. She dislikes Gu Jin everywhere, mocks her from the countryside everywhere, and hates her for becoming the daughter of a wealthy family.

  (end of this chapter)

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