Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 207: Internet violence disappears in an instant

  Chapter 207 Internet violence disappears instantly

  Not to mention the students in the first class, even the friends from the cannon fodder group were stunned and also looked envious.

  Lu Mao held his head high and held his chest high: "Xu Xuanyan, did you hear that, we, Yang Yang, are so kind, so we didn't abuse Feng Jue."

  Zhu Di also echoed: "That's right, don't slander Gu Jin for cheating and get a serious demerit just because you lost to Yang Yang in a bet, just spit on everyone!"

  Xu Xuanyan gave Feng Jue a cold look, "I don't know what's good!"

  The weight of her dignified Xu family's daughter is not more than that of Gu Yang's fake daughter?

  Because Feng Jue clarified on the spot, the living blood bank matter passed quickly.

   However, some people still posted anonymously on the school forum.

  The title is—

Shock! Feng Jue of class ten is actually the blood bank of the school belle Gu Yang!

  The following is a long speech blaming the Gu family for using their power to oppress the ordinary people, Feng Jue, Gu Yang abused Feng Jue, Feng Jue dared to be angry and dare not speak out, etc.

  Gu Yang used to have a good family background, good grades, good looks, and influence in the No. 1 Middle School. He has a lot of fans, and was even voted as the school beauty.

  So this post on the campus forum quickly attracted the attention of many people.

   However, the post was deleted before they could read it.

  The reason given by the management of the campus forum is—false news, spreading rumors and causing trouble.

  A simmering cyber storm vanished in an instant, Feng Jue silently turned off the phone screen.

  Gu Yang, who was listening to the class seriously, didn't notice this.

  During the big break, Lu Mao from the next class ran back to join the class, and almost bumped into Tao Yan who had just left.

  Tao Yan raised her eyebrows: "Hey, Lu Xiaopang, finally the second class has traveled in January?"

   There are not a few people in the class who are top-notch in Chinese, but Lu Mao is the only one who is so poor. But every time she reminded him to learn Chinese well, Lu Mao would smile nonchalantly, saying that no matter how bad his Chinese was, he wouldn't be dropped into the second class.

  Lu Mao whispered. If he knew it was Tao Yan's class, he would not be in a hurry to go back to class to visit his relatives.

  Tao Yan patted him on the shoulder, "Three oracle bone inscriptions, don't forget, even if you go to the second class, you can't escape my palm."

  Lu Mao: "..."

   "Brother Mao." Zhang Shan and Li Shi saw Lu Mao and went towards him.

  The friends of the cannon fodder group gathered together again.

"Goddess, let me tell you, just now I saw someone hacking you on the forum, talking about Feng Jue's living blood bank. I was about to yell at someone for 300 rounds, but the post was deleted by the forum administrator Hahaha..." Lu Mao felt very refreshed.

  Zhu Di was filled with righteous indignation: "It must be Xu Xuanyan! Feng Jue denied that the Gu family abused him in front of the whole class, and she even spread rumors on the forum to make trouble, why? Do you want to **** us?"

  Mo Mo pushed Xu Xuanyan's table with a cold face, "Xu Xuanyan, why are you so despicable? You are jealous of our Yangyang, so you only play dirty tricks behind your back?"

  Xu Xuanyan was copying oracle bone inscriptions, and when she reached the last one, Mo Mo suddenly pushed the table, accidentally slipped the pen in her hand, and scratched the paper.

  Xu Xuanyan was so angry that she slapped the table and said angrily: "Mo Mo, don't you spit on others, who spread rumors and raped Gu Yang? Did you see that is my ID?"

   Everyone looked at Lu Mao, who said, "It's anonymous."

Xu Xuanyan sneered: "I, Xu Xuanyan, never speak anonymously in the forum. You also know the ID account, and the public has shaken Du Xuanyan. Don't put all the blame on my head! I don't know who is so timid, like Like a rat in the gutter."

   Seeing Xu Xuanyan scolding so harshly, this matter is indeed not her style, and the friends of the cannon fodder group are also dubious.

   "I don't know who is blackmailing our goddess." Lu Mao muttered.

  Gu Yang's concern is, who deleted the post that hacked her so quickly? The campus forum administrators almost never delete posts, and let any topic be fermented. It is impossible to delete the post that blackened her so quickly.

   Is it a small blood bank?

  Gu Yang looked back, and saw the little blood bank lying on the table and smiling at her, looking very obedient.


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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