Chapter 214 A fight?

  Friday afternoon after school, Lu Mao ran over from the next class just after class, holding his mobile phone openly, and when he walked to Gu Yang, he made a surprised sound, "The school beauty and school grass have been selected."

   "Focus on what to do, what's the point of this? We, Yangyang, won the school belle twice in a row, and we don't care anymore." Zhu Di frowned.

Qi Yan who came to look for Xu Xuanyan heard it and sneered: "I don't care what you say, isn't it just that you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour? I didn't expect that after Gu Jin snatched your identity and marriage contract from Gu Yang, she also snatched her school belle title."

   "Who said that Gu Jin stole the title of school girl from me? See clearly, this year's school girl is still Gu Yang!" Lu Mao pointed the phone screen at Qi Yan's face.

  Xu Xuanyan and Qi Yan were stunned when they saw that Gu Yang had the most votes.

  Zhu Di and other friends from the cannon fodder group were also surprised.

  Zhu Di covered her mouth in surprise: "Damn it, Yangyang actually surpassed Gu Jin in the number of votes? Hahaha, sure enough, we Yangyang are the ones who are responsible for the beauty of No. 1 Middle School!"

  Qi Yan rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Just now I said I don't care, haha."

  Gu Yang blinked her eyes, she clearly remembered that when the last class was over, she was told that Gu Jin had more than 300 votes ahead of her, and Feng Jue had more than 200 votes more than Gu Pei. The school flower Gu Jin, the school grass Feng Jue, are already stable.

  How come she surpassed the elder sister in just one class?

   She wouldn't believe it if no one manipulated the votes.

  Gu Yang looked back at Feng Jue.

  Feng Jue pursed his lips into a smile. My sister is the school girl, and he is the school girl, what a perfect match.

  However, at this moment, after reading the forum, Zhu Di happily said: "Yangyang, your Gu Pei has also surpassed Feng Jue! He was elected as the school grass! Hahaha, now he can hold a beauty back!"

   Gu Yang was surprised, the last class was all reversed?

  Such a coincidence? ? ?

  Feng Jue's smile froze for an instant, and he silently glanced at his phone under the table, only to realize that at that moment, Gu Pei's number of votes increased suddenly, surpassing him.

  Feng Jue looked at Gu Jin diagonally, just in time to meet Gu Jin's slightly evil raised eyebrows, slightly provocative.

   Who is not a hacker?

   After school, Gu Yang didn't go home immediately, but was dragged by his friends from the cannon fodder group to the basketball court to watch a basketball game.

  Gu Yang can only say to Gu Jin and Feng Jue: "Sister, Feng Jue, you go home first."

  Gu Jin's tone was cold, "Come back soon."

  Feng Jue nodded obediently, "Sister, I'll go back and tell mom for you."

   After Gu Yang and the friends from the cannon fodder group ran away, the two looked at each other.

  Speak at the same time.

  Feng Jue's smile didn't reach his eyes: "Let's have a discussion?"

  Gu Jin's eyebrows were cold: "Fight?"

  Zhu Di and Mo Mo pulled Gu Yang to sit on the stands outside the basketball court.

  Zhu Di's face was still flushed because of excitement. She put on light makeup today and specially wore a lady's dress, looking bright and charming.

  As soon as I sat down, I took the makeup mirror to touch up my lipstick. I was afraid that there would be a blind spot, so I asked: "Yangyang, Mo Mo, do you think I need to touch up my makeup?"

  Gu Yang looked at Zhu Di's excited appearance, smiled and shook his head, but his eyes were slightly darkened.

  Zhu Di deliberately made up and wore ladylike skirts to watch the basketball game, in order to cheer for the boys she likes.

   That boy is Wang Lingyu, the son of the chairman of Jincheng Wang Family Huanyu Entertainment. Wang Family Huanyu Entertainment and Gu Family Zhaofeng Entertainment are rivals, but both have a good relationship with Zhu Family.

  Wang Lingyu and Zhu Di are also childhood sweethearts, and the two families also have the wish to get married. It is well known that Zhu Di likes Wang Lingyu, but Wang Lingyu is lukewarm towards Zhu Di and often shows disgust, but he never refuses Zhu Di's overtures.

  (end of this chapter)

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