Chapter 231 Accidentally missed more than one billion in taxes

  Ye Qingyin let Gu Yang grab her wrist, looked at Gu Yang from a close distance, her eyes sparkled, "Little Fairy Gu Yang, do you know me?"

  Gu Yang nodded hesitantly. The original body and Ye Qingyin had nothing to do with each other, but when she knew Zhaofeng Entertainment's ace manager, she had seen Ye Qingyin's ID photo.

   "Little Fairy Gu Yang, I am the president of your fan club." Ye Qingyin laughed.

  Gu Yang was a little confused.

  Why didn't she know that she had a fan club? !

Seeing Gu Yang's cute expression, Ye Qingyin couldn't help pinching her face, and reminded: "You and Ruan Chu had a lot of fans in the variety show circle before. Those fans formed their own support club. You are not an artist, and you don't have a team. Manage the support club. Fans are lax and may recruit you, so the chairman asked me to take over the support club."

  Gu Yang was stunned, he didn't expect her father to help her think so thoughtfully.

  Gu Yang thanked him politely.

Ye Qingyin smiled and stared at her in a persuasive manner: "Little Fairy Yangyang, you really have no interest in entering the entertainment industry? Even if you don't make movies, with your conditions, you can be a variety show star, and a traffic star will definitely become popular. Sister will take you , will definitely make you popular all over the country!"

  Gu Yang shook his head, feeling that Ye Qingyin looked at her like a cash cow.

  Ye Qingyin felt a little regretful, but she didn't force it.

  In fact, she had already asked the chairman and was rejected, but she was still a little unwilling.

  What a money tree seedling.

  At noon, Gu Zhaoming took Gu Yang to the company restaurant for dinner.

  Gu Zhaoming looked at his female goose dotingly, "Did Yangyang feel bored when he visited the company? Is there anyone who doesn't have long eyes to offend you? Dad will help you fire him."

   The corner of Gu Yang's mouth twitched. Generally, this kind of story about employees who don't have long eyes should happen to the heroine's sister.

   "The Xue family is so cold this time, the Xue Group has been seized." Gu Zhaoming looked at the phone and sighed.

  Gu Yang is not surprised, the top 1 and 3 bigwigs on the dark web hacker list are out at the same time, and it is only a matter of time before "Tian Liang Xue Po" comes out.

  It's just that Dad is so gloating now, he might cry later.

  Gu Yang decided to slowly cut into the topic, "Perhaps the Xue family didn't expect that there would be so many things in the top management of their group."

   Gu Zhaoming nodded, "Yeah, Xue Haizhen must have been shocked. And his wife, who didn't expect to be so ruthless, directly bought the murderer."

  After Gu Yang finished eating, he took out a napkin and wiped his mouth slowly, "The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. The same goes for the group. Dad, you don't think there are such people in the top management of our group?"

  Gu Zhaoming was stunned.

  He only cared about gloating, and didn't think about his own family.

Gu Zhaoming thought about it carefully, and said with a smile: "Dad abides by the law and has never violated anything. Even if you suppress your competitors and cause them to go bankrupt, it is still a legal business war. I am devoted to your mother, and I will not have an illegitimate child like Xue Haizhen." A lover's thing..."

  Gu Zhaoming finally came to the conclusion confidently, "Good girl goose, our family will definitely not be like Xue's family!"

  Gu Yang couldn't bear to look directly at Gu Zhaoming's confident eyes. If there is no plot in the original book, Gu Zhaoming's words are quite convincing.

  Which bad guy would say he did something bad?

   Although Gu Zhaoming is not a big villain, he is a villain after all in the original book. How could his hands be completely clean?

  Gu Yang took a sip of the milk tea, "Dad, I just visited the finance department and checked the accounts. Our company seems to have missed more than one billion in taxes."


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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