Chapter 242 A thousand-word review

Xue Duo was a little hysterical under the excitement, "Vice President Xiao, have you also succumbed to the powerful forces behind them? Gu Yang is clearly slandering me, and they are clearly at fault! That **** Gu Yang still wants to imprison me In a mental hospital!"

Xiao Yize said with a righteous face: "The school is fair and just. Although Gu Jin, Feng Jue and the others had a reason for their actions, the impact of fighting with their classmates is not good in the end, so they were punished to write a thousand-word self-criticism and submit it. Compensation for Xue Duo's medical expenses. Who else has any objections?"

   Lu Mao, Zhu Di and the others all brightened their eyes: "No objection!"

  They thought they would be punished for beating Xue Duo so badly this time!

   But it can help Yang Yang vent his anger, even if they are punished, they will admit it.

   Unexpectedly, there was not even a "warning sanction", just writing a self-criticism and paying medical expenses!

  Lu Mao lamented in the group: [This wave is a loss, I knew I would have acted harder. 】

  Zhu Di also said: [Isn't a thousand-word review just a composition? It’s far from Lao Wang’s usual 3,000-word review]

  Mo Mo also expressed deep regret: [I will cover the medical expenses. Actually, I don’t mind spending more on medical expenses]

   Zhang Shan and Li Shi both said: [We have been writing the review for three years, and we have written the review! 】

  Zhang Shan and Li Shi are Lu Mao's younger brothers. Their family is just a wealthy businessman, not comparable to the wealthy Lu family. Because the family relies on the Lu family, they have always been Lu Mao's younger brother, and often helped Lu Mao write self-criticism.

  Gu Yang glanced at the "Yizhong Tiantuan" group, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The division of labor was so clear that she was useless.

  Class 1 naturally had no objections. As for Xue Duo, he had no chance to protest, and the security guard called by Xiao Yize directly sent him to Jincheng Psychiatric Hospital for appraisal.

  The classroom finally quieted down, but Xiao Yize's physics class has already passed half a class.

  Lu Mao was in a good mood, but soon let out a "fuck" sound, remembering that the class of the second class was Tao Yan's Chinese class, and immediately ran back to the class next door.

  Class 2 was reciting collectively. Lu Mao squatted and entered the classroom through the back door, quietly moving towards his seat.

   However, at this moment, a pair of legs appeared in front of him blocking his way.

   Tao Yan's laughing voice came from above her head, "Little Pang Lu, you are so courageous, you dare to skip class if you fail Chinese."

  Lu Mao: "..."

  Physics class is over, Gu Yang looked sideways at Feng Jue behind him and Gu Jin at the side, and said softly, "Sister, Ah Jue, let me write your review."

   After all, Feng Jue and the elder sister were punished for helping her out.


  Feng Jue picked up the densely packed letterhead paper on the table, and smiled softly at Gu Yang: "Sister, I've finished writing the self-criticism. Go hand it in now."

  Gu Yang stared at the beautiful piece of regular script, and was stunned. Is this the hand speed of the third hacker? The 1,000-character review paper was written in twenty minutes, or was it written in neat regular script?

  Feng Jue has already handed over the review paper to Xiao Yize.

  Gu Yang looked at Gu Jin, and found that Gu Jin had also gotten up to hand in a statement of self-criticism to Xiao Yize on the podium.

  However, she noticed that Gu Jin's piece of paper was relatively blank, with only a few large characters written—

   "One Thousand Words Review"

  Gu Yang: "..."

   Probably, this is the interest between the hero and heroine of the novel? ? ?

  Xiao Yize accepted the two self-criticism papers without changing his expression, read them carefully for a few minutes, and said something like "don't be so impulsive next time" to the two of them, and it was over.

  Zhang Shan and Li Shi looked at them as if they had suffered a major blow.

   Their physics class is also writing a review book, but they haven't finished one yet.

  They have been writing self-criticisms professionally for many years, but they are no better than two novices?

  (end of this chapter)

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