Chapter 246 Hypnotic illusion

  Yao Bingxue's body was slightly stiff, and she suddenly raised her head to look at Gu Yang, and found that she was talking to her while lowering her head and playing with her mobile phone, and then slowly relaxed.

  She was too nervous, thinking that Gu Yang had discovered something.

  But after thinking about it, it seems impossible. If Gu Yang found out, how could he still agree to come with her?

   "What can I worry about?" Yao Bingxue smiled a little stiffly, and after getting out of the elevator, there was no cramped space and she let out a soft breath.

  She changed the subject, "Yangyang, why didn't Gu Jin wait for you after class recently?"

   "My sister has something to leave first." Gu Yang didn't say much.

  Big sister left school early recently because she wanted to help Xiao Yize heal the vegetable he sent to Jincheng. Xiao Yize searched almost all the famous doctors, and all the doctors said that she would never wake up again, only Gu Jin said that she could be cured.

   It’s just that, after all, after being in a vegetable state for ten years, it will not take a while to recover and wake up. She read hundreds of chapters of that novel back then, but she didn't see the vegetative person wake up.

  Yao Bingxue said "Oh", and tentatively asked: "Gu Jin started school so well in the exam, and got the first place in the exam with full marks, which is too good. I thought she was in the countryside before, so she would not be able to keep up with the progress of our class."

  Gu Yang is popular in the class, but she doesn't like Gu Yang very much, and many girls don't like Gu Yang in their hearts. Most girls are more sensitive to green tea as a living thing.

  Yao Bingxue thought that if she praised Gu Jin in front of Gu Yang, Gu Yang would be unhappy, so she whispered something dark to her.

  However, Gu Yang did not change his face and said: "Then you are ignorant. My sister is very talented, and she can pass the exam no matter where she studies."

  Yao Bingxue's smile stiffened slightly.

  Gu Yang raised his head, as if belatedly aware, "This is all out of school, isn't it going to the office building?"

  Yao Bingxue took her arm and walked out, "Teacher Cai should go home at this point, his house is nearby, we can just send him to his house."

  Gu Yang was dragged away by Yao Bingxue, and looked at his watch, "It's already time, Teacher Cai is a male teacher again, we two girls, why not disturb Teacher Cai's house?"

  Yao Bingxue paused when she pulled Gu Yang away, her expression was a little stiff, "What is there, it's just a book. Teacher Cai is a biology teacher who has taught our class for more than two years, and he is not a stranger."

  Gu Yang: "Oh."

  Gu Yang let Yao Bingxue pull him away, and didn't speak during the period.

  Taking the elevator up the stairs, Yao Bingxue skillfully brought Gu Yang to the door of Cai Jian's house, and rang the doorbell.

The door opened quickly, and it was Cai Jian. His eyes swept over the two of them, with a smile on his face, he seemed a little surprised, "Bingxue, Gu Yang, why did you come to the teacher's house? You are preparing for dinner, what's the matter?" Come in and say."

   "Teacher Cai Jian, we are here to return the books, and it's getting late, so we won't go in." Gu Yang suddenly grabbed the book from Yao Bingxue's hand, and shook it in front of the two of them.

   "Don't be polite to the teacher, let's have dinner first before leaving, come in quickly." Cai Jian looked at Gu Yang and stretched out his hand to pull her.

  Gu Yang stood by the door and handed the book to Cai Jian.

  Yao Bingxue also put her hand on the book, as if she was pushing someone, looked in the direction of the book, and echoed: "Mr. Cai's kindness is hard to turn down, Yangyang, let's stay and have a meal."

  Cai Jian stroked the book with both hands, his eyes narrowed, as if he was caressing a white wrist, "Come, Gu Yang, sit down."

  (end of this chapter)

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