Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 258: Every piece of sweetness is related to me

  Chapter 258 Every sweet is related to me

  Hearing Zhu Di's words, Gu Yang was stunned, his eyes slightly suspicious.

  Zheng Yi was really forced by life to work part-time in these dessert shops? Why does she think that he is here to see Zhu Di often?

   This is probably, every sweetness in your life is related to me?

  Gu Yang thinks he can investigate again, if Zheng Yi is really good, he can match him up. Anyway, let Zhu Di stay away from that scumbag Wang Lingyu!

   Zheng Yi returned home.

The four-year-old sister burst into tears in front of him, turned around and ran away with a look of grievance, "Mama, Guoguo is lying! Guoguo promised to bring me all the flavors of ice cream, but he ate a few! "

  Zheng Yi: "..."

  August 15th, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  Gu Zhaoming and Ruan Xueling returned to the old house of Ruan's family with their four children.

  As soon as he entered the old house, a huge snow mastiff came to greet him with three puppies wagging their tails.

  Snow Mastiff seems to like Gu Yang very much, always by her side, rubbing against her shoes from time to time.

   "Xiaobai! Don't make trouble."

  The old man's angry voice came from the side of the greenhouse.

  Master Ruan handed the shower to the old gardener next to him, and walked towards the Gu family.

   "I heard from your parents that Xiaojin got the first place in the exam at the beginning of school. She is indeed the granddaughter of my Ruan family!" Mr. Ruan looked at Gu Jin kindly.

  Seeing that Gu Jin has a cold temper and doesn't like to talk, he glanced at Gu Yang again, and hummed softly, "You did well in the exam this time, and it's not a disgrace to the family's cultivation of you for so many years."

  Gu Yang smiled politely, "Thank you, Grandpa, for your compliment."

  Her eyes fell on Xiao Bai, "Didn't grandpa call it a snow mastiff?"

  Mr. Ruan blew his beard and stared at the mention of this matter. You still have the nerve to ask, but it's not because of you!

  In the past, whenever he called Xiao Bai, oh no, Snow Mastiff, Xiao Bai would run over. Ever since Yang called Snow Mastiff "Xiaobai" in the last review, no matter how he called "Snow Mastiff", it didn't respond, only "Xiaobai" would respond.

   "There are too many dogs in the house, so we can't call them all snow mastiffs." Mr. Ruan snorted softly.

   "Then what about these?" Gu Yang pointed at the puppies that were pushing hard towards her and sniffing at her non-stop.

  Master Ruan looked proud, "Bailu, Baishuang, Baixue!"

  Look, the name he gave has culture!

  Gu Yang whispered: "It's not as good as Bai Yi, Bai Er, and Bai San."

  Master Ruan: "..."

   Would you dare to say it out loud again? !

  Ruan Chu is also at home today, and she deliberately spared the Mid-Autumn Festival to stay at home with her grandfather. Her uncle's family developed abroad and did not return home during the Mid-Autumn Festival. They only returned home during New Years or grandpa's birthday. And her father lived with his lover's illegitimate children in previous years.

  Ruan Chu made tea for the guests in the living room, and a nanny beside him brought the tea one by one.

  Special grade Biluochun, the small and exquisite blue and white porcelain teacup has a snow-white inner wall, reflecting the light green tea soup, clear and bright, the tea fragrance is quiet, and the taste is mellow and refreshing.

  Gu Yang looked at Ruan Chu with a smile: "My cousin's tea art has improved a lot compared to last time."

  Ruan Chu didn't feel embarrassed either, "Reminiscence fumbled your tea making technique, practiced it a few more times, it's a bit of progress. But it always feels worse, show me again."

   "Who will my cousin ask to show?" Gu Yang played with the tea pet on the coffee table, smiling.

   "Cousin, cousin Yangyang, come on!" Ruan Chu was a little uncomfortable seeing her smiling eyes, and hurriedly put the tea set in front of her.

  (end of this chapter)

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