Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 282: Divide up cultural relics, you are really punished

  Chapter 282 Carve up cultural relics, you are really punished

   While arguing about the authenticity of bronze carriages and other antiques in the live broadcast room of "Talking about Sangma with Wine", suddenly a large barrage flooded in—

  【Fuck, it's true! ! 】

  【Jimeis, go check out the trending searches! Some archaeologists have spoken out! Confirm that it is a real antique cultural relic! 】

  【Then the archaeological experts are not invited by the Gu family, are they...】

  【Not one or two, but more than a dozen archaeological experts! ! Even the Ningcheng Museum has spoken out, and the online Aite program group wants specific coordinates! 】

  【Fuck, really? ! With so many cultural relics, did the "Duo Bamboo Shoot Group" come out? ! 】

  Qi Xu looked at the newly unearthed bronze carriages and other bronze wares, and had already given up his thoughts of persuading his teammates to dig winter bamboo shoots. His heart was beating fast, and he felt that these were probably real cultural relics.

  It was only then that he believed that Gu Yang could identify antiques, so he suppressed his excitement and asked, "How much does Miss Gu think this bronze is worth?"

   "The auction starts at 15 million." Gu Yang glanced at the bronze vessel he was pointing at, and made a conservative estimate.

  Qi Xu's heart was beating like a drum. Although he was a traffic star, he came in fast and made a lot of money, but 15 million is not a small amount, and this is just the beginning. The real auction may be more than ten times higher.

   Not to mention, there are more than a dozen large and small bronze vessels that have been dug out now, and it is unknown how many more.

   "I didn't expect that we would get rich overnight by digging bamboo shoots together. Those tomb robbers hid the cultural relics here, which actually made us cheaper." Qi Xu smiled, thankful that he didn't quarrel with Gu Yang and the others when they had a disagreement just now.

  Whoever sees has a share, so many antiques must have his share.

  However, as soon as he said this, he noticed that the three people who were excavating cultural relics excitedly looked at him with puzzled eyes.

  Qi Xu's heart skipped a beat, they didn't really intend to give it to him, did they?

  He picked up a branch and dug up the soil, jokingly said, "Isn't it possible for me to have a share of these cultural relics?"

  The three nodded.

  Qi Xu's smile froze.

   During the live broadcast, Qi Xu's fans immediately exploded.

  【Why isolate our Brother Qi Xu? Brother Qi Xu also found this antique. Isn't it right for those who see it to have a share? 】

  【Brother Qi Xu is really pitiful, just because he kindly made a suggestion before, everyone held grudges and isolated him】

   Just as Qi Xu’s fans swarmed up to condemn the other three guests, Ruan Chu said with a half-smile: “Divide cultural relics, you’re really punished.”

  Gu Yang looked at Qi Xu with complicated eyes, "Your thinking is very dangerous, cultural relics belong to the country, and we have to hand them over to the country after we dig them out!"

  Qi Xu was taken aback, and blurted out: "Why?"

Ji Jingchi looked at Qi Xu even more confusedly, not understanding why he would ask such a mentally handicapped question, "Because it is illegal to dig up cultural relics and not hand them in. If you don't hand them over to the museum and auction them off privately, that's nothing to do with tomb robbers." What's the difference?"

  Qi Xu was stunned, then noticed the camera next to him, and his heart skipped a beat. It's over.

   Not only Qi Xu, but the fans who helped Qi Xu were also stunned. Most of them are young fans, and their knowledge is not enough.

  The live broadcast room also flooded with barrage—

  【True punishment, Xiao Xianrou, surnamed Qi, actually live broadcasted openly expressing that he wants to carve up cultural relics. This is a crazy test on the edge of our country's criminal law! 】

  【Tsk tsk tsk, by the way, isn’t Qi Xu still speculating on Xueba’s design? This is Xueba? Embarrassed to buckle feet]

  【Finally someone said what I wanted to say! Just now when the bullet screen was full of "the team of grabbing bamboo shoots and getting rich", I said that all these cultural relics must be handed over to the country! Even the land is owned by the state, and the cultural relics buried in it are of course also owned by the state]

  【Although our elder brother is a top student, he is not a law student. It is understandable that he does not know these things, right? 】

  (end of this chapter)

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