Chapter 335 Ruan Xueling Regrets

   That family of perfumers is Mrs. Fu's natal Luo family.

  The 50ml bottle of perfume called Fireworks is said to not only have aroma value, but also have magical effects on the human body. It was snatched up by many bigwigs from all over the world, and it fetched a sky-high price of 100 million!

  Mrs. Fu, as one of the perfumers of the Luo family, a family of perfumers, naturally had the opportunity to get in touch with that bottle of perfume worth hundreds of millions. She once flew to Kyoto to appreciate it once with many perfumers.

  Ruan Xueling was completely stunned, "You mean, this bottle of perfume is worth hundreds of millions?"

Mrs. Fu thought for a while: "Only relying on the value of fragrance, it can be compared with fireworks. But fireworks themselves have a mysterious color, and the price of hundreds of millions of dollars is probably due to its magical effect. If this bottle of perfume is auctioned, it should not be as good as fireworks. But there are still more than 20 million.”

   This was enough to shock Ruan Xueling.

  The most expensive brand-name perfumes she usually buys are one million, usually hundreds of thousands.

  Now the perfume that Yangyang made for her is directly worth 20 million? !

  Ruan Xueling was stunned, feeling as light as stepping on cotton, and couldn't help wondering if she was dreaming.

   Mrs. Xu was also speechless: "This, it's impossible..."

  Mrs. Fu gave her a cold stare. She was influenced by the study of incense since she was a child. She loves incense and takes this matter very seriously. "Are you a perfumer, or am I a perfumer?"

   Mrs. Xu was speechless.

  In terms of professionalism, she is indeed inferior to Mrs. Fu.

   But she really couldn't believe that Gu Yang, a little girl, has such a high talent for perfumery!

  If it wasn't for Ruan Xueling's ignorant expression, she would have suspected that Ruan Xueling was playing her on purpose before, making her look ugly!

  Madam Fu looked at Ruan Xueling with complicated emotions.

  She has always looked down upon Mrs. Gu, who treats the fake daughter as her real daughter, and she also dislikes Gu Yang, who obviously doesn't like her son, but still hangs on to her son.

   But she never expected that Gu Yang, who she had only thought of as playing with other people's feelings, actually had such a talent for perfumery.

Madam Fu will be more tolerant towards capable juniors. Gu Yang's talent in perfumery is enough to erase her prejudice against her, "Madam Gu, I apologize to you. Your daughter Gu Yang is indeed a rare genius in perfumery. "

  Ruan Xueling: "Ah...uh, good."

  She is completely stupid now.

  Ruan Xueling looked at the bottle of rose perfume that was missing a little bit, and after accepting that the bottle of perfume was worth tens of millions, she now has only one regret left!

  She shouldn't have sprayed it **** Madam Xu's eyes!

  A total of about 30 milliliters, one milliliter is worth hundreds of thousands...

  Ruan Xueling held the perfume tightly, and looked at Mrs. Xu with gradually resentful eyes.

   Mrs. Xu was terrified of being stared at, and her first reaction was to read what Ruan Xueling meant, and subconsciously said: "No money! You sprayed it yourself, don't rely on me!"

  Ruan Xueling sighed softly, regretting.

other people:"…"

Madam Fu looked at Ruan Xueling, and stared straight at the bottle of perfume in her hand, "Madam Gu, I have a heartfelt request. I am very interested in your bottle of Rose Spirit perfume. Can you sell it to me?" ? Don't worry, the price will definitely not let you suffer, I am willing to pay 25 million."

  Ruan Xueling looked wary, and said firmly: "Not for sale!"

  The perfume given to her by Yangyang from her family is impossible to sell no matter what!


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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