Chapter 341 Q Version Blue Whale Badge

Gu Pei knew that Gu Jin was a fan of Jingluo, and she could still say Jingluo's famous quotes, so she was pleasing to the eye: "It is said that the fans turned black, but I remember the famous words of Jingluo so clearly. It seems that you used to be very If you like the Whale God, why can't you understand him? A proud and strong man like the Whale God will never quit the game due to fear of battle, and must have encountered something."

  Gu Jin left a cold "Oh" and went upstairs with her bag.

  Feng Jue didn't know what to think of, he lowered his eyes and looked at the phone in silence. The phone wallpaper is a profile photo of Gu Yang playing the piano in the piano room.

   Seeing that Gu Jin ignored him and left by himself, Gu Pei hummed and said nothing.

  But the irritability and depression in the eyebrows and eyes dissipated a bit.

   But Whale God is right, as long as you are strong enough, no matter how strong your opponent is, you can push all the way!

  In the room on the second floor.

  Gu Jin looked at the Q-version blue whale badge in the file in the drawer, his usually cold and indifferent eyes were filled with complicated emotions, and his brows gradually showed agitation.

  She slammed the drawer shut, grabbed her hair with both hands, and couldn't help exerting force with her cold, white and slender fingers. It took an unknown amount of time before she gradually calmed down.

   "Sister, I'm going downstairs for dinner."

  There was a knock on the door and the girl's gentle and sweet voice.

  Gu Jin raised his eyes, the twilight outside the window shrouded in muffled voice: "Don't eat."

  The living room on the first floor.

   Gu Zhaoming was puzzled: "What happened to Xiao Jin?"

  Gu Pei carelessly sandwiched the food and said: "Who knows her. If she doesn't eat, she won't eat. She can lose weight even if she is hungry."

  Ruan Xueling frowned: "Isn't it because of my curfew that forbids her to come home late or stay out at night? But I did it for her own good. It's not safe for a girl to go out alone at night...

   If it really doesn't work, she is willing to go out with bodyguards at night, even if the curfew is revoked. "

  Gu Yang explained: "It shouldn't be a curfew. My sister may be in a bad mood and wants to be alone."

  Although she didn't see the big brother's sister's expression, she could hear that the big brother's sister was in a bad mood through the door.

   Moreover, the curfew of the Gu family villa can't stop the elder sister at all.

Gu Zhaoming recalled the grade list that the teacher sent to the parent group, "Is it because of this exam? Last time she was first in grade, and this time she was in the top 20. There should be a gap. But the competition in No. 1 Middle School is already strong. , no one can always dominate the position of the first age, and she doesn't have to worry about it like this."

Ruan Xueling also thinks this is a possibility, "Xiao Jin used to be number one in her grade in a rural high school, but this time she suddenly fell to No. 23. It's normal that she can't accept it for a while. Hey, it's my fault that I keep telling her to find a teacher to tutor her talents. The kids are under a lot of pressure."

  Gu Yang: "..."

   It can only be said that you have made up too much.

  Big Brother and Sister would be the kind of person who worries about the drop in grades? If you are really worried, the big brother and sister in the original book will not often hand in blank papers and get zero eggs in the exam.

   Now she is willing to write some questions and stay in class one, which is already rare!

"Aunt Li, bring some food to the eldest lady. No matter how much you worry about your grades, you can't abuse your body. Also, tell her that mom won't despise her grades." Ruan Xueling called Aunt Li, but she turned towards the floor. Speaking of it, the volume is not too low, enough for Gu Jin to hear.

  Aunt Li served the meal in a hurry, and took another dish from Ruan Xueling.

   "This is Xiao Jin's favorite dish, give it to her."

  After Ruan Xueling found out that she owed Gu Jin too much, she deliberately wanted to make up for her, and she always noticed that she often served that dish.

  (end of this chapter)

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