Chapter 375 Senior sister Ruan Chu

   Class 1 also had Ruan Chu's fans, and when they saw her show up, they were immediately excited.

  Ruan Chu is a liberal arts student, so he simply shared his experience in learning Chinese and English with everyone, and said some encouraging words, and then it was time for the Q&A session.

  Mostly they asked Ruan Chu about his university life.

  Ruan Chu had just finished answering a question. At this time, Xu Xuanyan suddenly stood up, sneered, and asked, "Sister Ruan Chu asked us to study hard, but why did you go to film during school time?"

  Ruan Chu embarrassed her in public just now, of course she will not make Ruan Chu feel better.

  As soon as Xu Xuanyan asked this question, the whole class was silent for a moment, and then there were whispering discussions in the classroom.

   There are quite a few star-chasing students in the first class. There are Ruan Chu fans, and naturally there are also Ruan Chu's black fans.

  Some people are proud of their talents and feel that Ruan Chu's college entrance examination results are mediocre. There are also some science students who look down on liberal arts students and don't take Ruan Chu seriously.

  Ruan Chu and Tao Yan frowned, they didn't expect Xu Xuanyan to attack suddenly.

  Gu Yang had finished sharing the fruit snacks that Ruan Chu brought. Hearing Xu Xuanyan's words, he asked suspiciously: "My cousin must have been approved by the school to film while she was in school. Can't I take care of my studies and career?"

  Xu Xuanyan snorted lightly, and looked at Ruan Chu with a smile, "Take care? I heard that the law major is very difficult to learn. I wonder how sister Ruan Chu did in the exam last semester?"

  Ruan Chu entered the entertainment industry and shocked the entire Jincheng giants, and everyone had a lot of guesses in private. The most common saying is that studying the Fa is too difficult, and Ruan Chu couldn't continue to learn it, so he entered the entertainment circle.

  Ruan Chu himself has expressed that he does not like the current law major.

  That's why Xu Xuanyan decided that Ruan Chu's current grades are not good, and she might fail a subject!

  Everyone looked at Ruan Chu one after another, and some even asked directly, "Senior Ruan Chu, did you fail any courses in college?"

  Beijing University Huada still has students who fail their studies, not to mention that Ruan Chu is only from Jincheng University and goes to filming all day long, so it is not surprising that they will fail their studies.

   Tao Yan frowned, looked at Xu Xuanyan, and said in a harsh tone, "I invited your senior sister to share my experience with you, is that how you welcome me?"

  Ruan Chu said softly to Tao Yan, "It's okay, teacher", then took out his mobile phone, and connected to the multimedia projection screen in the classroom with ease.

  Ruan Chu's report card appeared on the big screen.

  Students in the first class did not expect Ruan Chu to be so straightforward and directly put on the report card.

  Xu Xuanyan's face changed after seeing the ranking on Ruan Chu's report card.

  Ruan Chu looked back at the big screen, tossed her hair casually, with bright eyebrows and red lips smiling, "Since the juniors are curious about my grades, I will release them for everyone to see.

  GPA is only 4.25 out of 5.0. There are more than 1,000 majors, ranking twenty-fourth. Should be okay, right? "

  Those who originally speculated about Ruan Chu's hangke fell silent for a moment.

  As students in the top three class of Jincheng No. 1 Middle School, they have actually been exposed to some college things. Even if you don't know grade points or something, you can always understand the rankings.

  This result can be said to be very good.

   Not to mention that they are not blind enough to see the scholarship awards listed on their transcripts.

   "Sister Ruan Chu is awesome!"

   Lu Mao shouted and took the lead in applauding.

   Others applauded along with them.

  The academic masters who were a little contemptuous of Ruan Chu, now became a little fanatical, and asked curiously:

   "Sister Ruan Chu, law is so difficult, how did you manage to get a scholarship while filming?"

   "Ask my senior to publish a book on time management!"

  (end of this chapter)

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