Chapter 381 It's not me, it's Lin Ran

  Xiao Yize remembered that when he was watching "Talking about Sangma with Wine", Gu Yang recognized antiques at a glance, "My younger sister seems to have a lot of research on the identification of antiques. Ms. Gu also looks at antiques?"

   Now that Gu Jin heard the "sister" in Xiao Yize's mouth, she knew it was her sister Gu Yang, "Know a little."

   "Take a look, copper coins from the Ming Dynasty, vases from the Tang Dynasty..."

   "These are all good things passed down from our ancestors, sir, miss, come and take a look."

  When the people at the roadside stall saw the two young men Xiao Yize and Gu Jin, they kept greeting them as if they saw a fool who was fooled by a fool with a lot of money.

  Xiao Yize glanced casually, "They are all fakes."

  As the heir of the top family in the capital, even though he has not studied appraising treasures, he has come into contact with a lot of antiques and cultural relics since he was a child, and he has a good eye.

   "Antiques are not a bad street." Gu Jin didn't look at those roadside stalls at all, but walked straight to an antique calligraphy and painting shop with simple and elegant decoration.

  This is a regular shop. All calligraphy, paintings and antiques have been appraised by appraisers, and there are basically no fakes.

   After Xiao Yize entered the antique calligraphy and painting shop, he was stunned, and then took out his mobile phone to check.

   "Which painting does Miss Gu like?" Xiao Yize walked around with her.

  Gu Jin has high eyesight, even the calligraphy and paintings included here may not be able to catch her eyes, she glanced around casually, and her eyes fell on a picture of a horse displayed in the glass cabinet in front of her.

  She said to the waiter next to her, "Please take out this painting for me."

  The waiter was very happy to see a customer coming to buy calligraphy and painting, but when he saw Gu Jin pointing to the painting, his smile froze instantly, "Sorry, miss, this is the treasure of our store. It's not for sale, it's only on display."

   "That's a pity. I only took a fancy to this one." When Gu Jin heard whether it was for sale, she nodded, turned her head and left without pressing.

Just as Xiao Yize was about to say something, another waitress next to him sneered, "If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. If you say anything, you just like the picture of a horse. This picture of a horse is worth tens of millions, but not everyone can buy it." Score."

  The waitress brushed her hair, looked at the previous waiter, and sneered: "I went up to the reception in such a hurry, but it turned out that it was a swollen face to pretend to be fat?"

  Xiao Yize frowned, and sent a message casually.

   Soon, the manager hurried over and glared at the waitress, "You have been fired."

  The waitress's smile froze.

   "You two want this picture of a horse? It's okay, it's for sale now, and I'll wrap it up for you right away," the manager said.

  The two waiters next to him were stunned.

  Xiao Yize took the initiative to swipe his card, and after going out, he handed the picture of the mounted horse to Gu Jin, "Miss Gu."

  Gu Jin: "Did you open that store?"

  Xiao Yize was not surprised that Gu Jin would discover his unusual relationship with that store, but he still shook his head, "It's not me, it's Lin Ran."

  Gu Jin nodded, took the picture of the horse, "What is the bank card number, I will transfer the money to you."

  She only has Xiao Yize's WeChat, but WeChat does not support transferring so much money in a day.

   "No need, Miss Gu." Xiao Yize shook his head, seeing that Gu Jin was still insisting, he said, "Just deduct it from the consultation fee. Miss Gu is really sorry, you can treat me to dinner a few more times."

  However, immediately after, Xiao Yize received news of a transfer of 10 million yuan.

  Xiao Yize:? ? ? !


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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