Chapter 405 Lu Rong and Lu Mao

   "What kind of wine do you drink? Use wine to drown your sorrows?" Mrs. Fu snatched the glass away.

  Fu Mingxiu frowned and said in a deep voice: "Mom, you are satisfied now. I know you don't like Yangyang, and you don't agree with me marrying her..."

  However, at this time, Mrs. Fu interrupted him: "Who says I don't agree?"

  Fu Mingxiu was taken aback, and looked at his mother in surprise.

Mrs. Fu didn't explain, but said: "Since you like her, go after her. Is there any progress in your secret love? Is there any progress in using wine to drown your sorrows? If she doesn't have someone she likes now, she will chase you on her own initiative." No?"

  Fu Mingxiu hesitated: "But I'm not her type..."

  Ms. Fu thinks this is not a problem, "Then just become the type she likes?"

  Fu Mingxiu: "..." But age does not allow it.

   Moreover, just imagining himself pretending to be a puppy, he felt chills.

  After walking away, Ruan Xueling said to Gu Yang in a low voice, "Yangyang, I think Fu Mingxiu is not bad. He grew up with your childhood sweetheart. He also takes care of you and has deep feelings for you. You really don't think about him?"

  Gu Yang shook his head: "I don't think about it."

  Ruan Xueling nodded, and asked abruptly, "Do you have someone you like?"

   The corner of Gu Yang's mouth twitched, his mother was really perceptive.

  She secretly changed the concept and answered the question: "Mom, I don't fall in love with you early."

   Not puppy love, it's not that you don't have someone you like.

  Gu Jin moved her knuckles slowly.

  Ruan Xueling didn't think too much, nodded and said: "Indeed, study is important, and you will meet better ones in the future."

   At this time, Zhu Di and Mo Mo came to look for Gu Yang, but Ruan Xueling didn't stay to hinder their little girl from chatting, so she gave some advice and went to find Mrs. Zhu and the others.

   "I'm going to the bathroom." Gu Jin said lightly.

  Considering that Gu Jin is not familiar with the Lu family, Gu Yang offered to propose: "Sister, let me take you there."

  Gu Jin hesitated for a second, then refused: "No need. I know how to get there."

"Oh well."

  Zhu Di and Mo Mo came over and held Gu Yang's arm, Zhu Di whispered in Gu Yang's ear, "Yangyang, let's go and cheer for Xiaopang. Lu Rong took Lin Ya to find Xiaopang."

  Gu Yang learned from the original body's memory that Lin Ya was Lu Mao's ex-girlfriend, and she fell in love with Lu Mao.

  The one who followed her green Lu Mao was Lu Mao's half-brother Lu Rong.

  Lu Rong is also Lu Wei's twin brother, more than one year younger than Lu Mao.

  Back then, Lu Mao's mother divorced Lu's father because Lu's father cheated on her and found out that Xiaosan was pregnant.

   Therefore, Lu Mao hated his stepmother and Lu Wei siblings since he was a child. Lu Rong is the devil of the world, and he often fights against Lu Mao.

  The reason why Lu Mao has been greened so many times is due to Lu Rong's contribution. Because every time, it was Lu Rong who went to corner Lu Mao's corner.

  Different from Lu Mao's chubby appearance, Lu Rong has a normal figure and looks good. He belongs to the same Lu family as Lu Mao, so it is easier to attract girls' attention.

"Lu Mao, I haven't seen you for a few months. I didn't expect you to be so fat. I heard from the butler that you are losing weight and eating vegetarian meals. Tsk tsk, with your body shape, you can gain weight by drinking plain water!" Lu Rong hugged Lin Ya He looked up and down at Lu Mao.

  Lin Ya covered her mouth and smiled, "Young Master Lu, he looks like a pig with a weight of 0.1 tons, so of course he can't compare with you."

   "Hahaha, it's no wonder Yaya left you." Lu Rong laughed triumphantly.

  Lu Mao frowned and looked at Lin Ya, "Lin Ya, Lu Rong is not a good person, he won't like you, you will regret being with him."


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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