Chapter 413 Wei Yueqiao Car Accident

  November, Jincheng No. 1 Middle School.

  It was a clear autumn day, and the leaves of the sycamore trees covering the road on both sides of the school turned yellow, and the students put on thin coats one after another.

  Drowsy in spring, exhausted in summer, and weak in autumn, Wu Rongying’s lecture in English class came out from the small bee loudspeaker, knowledge points were turned over and over, and the tone was not fluctuating, like a lullaby.

  As soon as get out of class was over, a large area of ​​the classroom collapsed.

  Even Gu Yang couldn't help yawning, and Gu Jin, who was at the same table, fell asleep with his head covered.

  After the seat was relocated after the last monthly exam, Zhu Di and Gu Yang were separated by the aisle. She lay down on the table and complained: "No wonder Gu Jin likes to sleep in English class so much, I want to sleep."

   At this moment, Lu Mao came back from fetching water from the outside, and the bluffing voice woke up many people in the class: "Damn it, big news!"

   "Fat boy, why are you yelling!" Xu Xuanyan was taken aback and gave Lu Mao a look.

  Zhang Shan, Li Shi, and his younger brothers rushed over to ask, and the class was eager to join in the fun and urged Lu Mao, "Little Lu, don't be fooled, what's the matter?"

  Lu Mao walked to the aisle between Gu Yang and Zhu Di, and then said in a hasty tone: "I just went out, and saw a lot of reporters surrounded by the crew on the second floor, and heard the sound of an ambulance.

  I heard that the female star of the filming crew in our school had a traffic accident on the way to school. "

   "Who? Could it be that Ruan Chu had a car accident?" someone asked.

   "Don't be crowed, Goddess Ruan Chu is definitely fine!"

  Everyone’s hands were not idle, and those who brought their mobile phones quietly took out their mobile phones to watch the news under the table. Sure enough, #《诗酒使年华》crew car accident# has already been on the hot search.

  Gu Yang looked down at his phone, and it turned out that Wei Yueqiao was the one who got into a car accident.

  Although she reminded Wei Yueqiao, Wei Yueqiao did not avoid this plot.

  The car accident at night turned into daytime, but fortunately, Wei Yueqiao's car accident was not as tragic as in the novel.

  The crew quickly issued an announcement saying that Wei Yueqiao was safe, but suffered some trauma.

  But because of this trending search, Wei Yueqiao, who was originally a newcomer who didn't get much attention, suddenly appeared in the eyes of many people.

   At noon, Gu Yang learned that Ruan Chu was still filming on the set, so he went to visit the set. Gu Jin, Feng Jue and Gu Pei also followed.

  To her surprise, she met an acquaintance in the classroom where Ruan Chu was resting.

  Ji Linbai was also a little surprised when he saw Gu Yang and Gu Jin, but he didn't find it strange when he thought of their relationship.

  He greeted the two of them, and put down the insulated lunch box for Ruan Chu, "As long as you are fine, I have something to do in the hospital, so let's go first."

  Ruan Chu sent him to the door with a smile, and looked at the four of Gu Yang, "I'm fine, Wei Yueqiao was the only one who had an accident, don't listen to the nonsense of those unscrupulous media on the Internet."

  The news on the Internet is true or false. Some people think that Wei Yueqiao doesn't have much traffic, so they just put on a show and put the car accident on Ruan Chu.

"It's fine. Cousin likes to eat Jinyangxuan's food. I just ordered takeaway for you, but it seems that you can't use it now." Gu Yang glanced at the insulated lunch box that Ji Linbai gave Ruan Chu, lightly laughed.

  Ruan Chu stretched out his hand to grab the takeaway, humming softly, "I want it all."

   There was no one else in the classroom, so Gu Pei had no worries, and asked blatantly, "Cousin, who was that just now? Did I even bring you a special meal, cousin-in-law?"


  Thank you for your concern, I will take good care of my illness.

  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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