Chapter 438 Lu girl, are you Yangyang?

   "Let's sit down and talk, after all, it's rare to get together." Ji Minghui led Qu Mo to take a seat.

   Qu Mo laughed, "That's true, we need to talk about it."

  The seats of the distinguished guests in the front row of the banquet all had special business cards. After walking to their seats, Qu Mo felt that something had been kicked.

  He looked down and found that there was a mobile phone under the table, and he almost stepped on it.

  The screen of the mobile phone is on, and short videos are played in a loop, and the sound is also turned on, but the sound of music at the banquet makes people ignore the sound from the mobile phone.

   Qu Mo bent over to pick up the phone, his eyes lit up when he saw the familiar video, and it turned out to be Yang Yang's video. It seems that this little pianist is really popular!

  He asked the people around him, "Whose phone dropped this?"

  When the people around saw Qu Mo asking a question, they all looked over and shook their heads to indicate that it was not theirs.

  Ji Minghui didn't expect someone to drop his mobile phone, but there are people coming and going at the banquet, so it's normal to accidentally drop something.

Ji Minghui observed carefully, "This mobile phone case is pink and tender, it should belong to a girl. Take it to the waiter and ask the young man, or broadcast a lost and found. The little girl lost her mobile phone at the banquet, so it should be I'm in a hurry."

   Qu Mo thought the same reasoning. Just as he was about to stop a waiter serving wine, he saw Lu Wei trotting over in a pink princess dress.

   Lu Wei seemed a little anxious, and asked everyone she met, "Have you seen a phone with a pink phone case? It's a new fruit brand, with a strawberry pattern on the phone case..."

  The person next to him shook his head.

  However, some people noticed the movement on Qu Mo's side, and told Lu Wei specifically, "Master Qu Mo seems to have picked up a mobile phone over there."

   Qu Mo has sharp eyes and ears, and obviously heard Lu Wei's anxious voice, so he turned the phone over and compared it carefully.

  Pink, strawberry, and fruit brand mobile phones, all matched.

   "Girl from the Lu family, is this your phone?"

  Although Qu Mo didn't have a good impression of this little girl at the Lu family banquet, she is the granddaughter of an old friend after all, and he has to show the tolerance and generosity of his elders, so his attitude is quite kind.

   "Yes! It's my phone!" Lu Wei took the phone in surprise, looked it over and over again, and then exited to the video playback page, "Master Qu Mo, thank you very much.

  Where did you find it? I've been looking for it for a long time, but I can't hear the ringing of the phone with music playing at the banquet, so I can only keep asking people along the same path..."

   Ji Minghui next to him looked at Lu Wei and frowned.

  Out of professional habits, he will inevitably notice other people's micro-expressions. Sometimes you don't even have to pay attention to it to decipher the meaning of micro-expressions.

   This little girl is lying.

  Although he spoke in detail, it was natural and reasonable, but he said too much and in too much detail, and there were traces of acting on the contrary.

  If he guessed right, the little girl should have done it on purpose. Throwing the phone was intentional, and coming to pick it up is also a special purpose.

   It's just that he can't figure out what the little girl's purpose is for doing this.

   But it seems that they are going to the old man Qu Mo, so it is good for him to watch the fun by the side.

   "It's okay, it's easy to do." Qu Mo waved his hand, and was suddenly caught by the familiar ID name and profile picture on Lu Wei's phone page, and was taken aback.

   "Then I'll go first." Lu Wei has been paying attention to Qu Mo, and naturally noticed the change in his expression.

   Next to Ji Minghui, the oriole was behind, looking at Lu Wei who said "I want to go" without moving her footsteps, and sighed quietly from the bottom of her heart.

  Why do the juniors nowadays have so many minds?

   Sure enough, as soon as Lu Wei finished speaking, Qu Mo hurriedly stopped her, "Girl Lu, wait a minute. Did I get dazzled just now, as if I saw that the name of your grape app personal homepage is Yang Yang?"


  It’s here today, face tomorrow~

  (end of this chapter)

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