Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 447: My sister won't blame me for making my own decisions, right?

  Chapter 447 My sister won't blame me for making my own decisions, right?

   Qu Mo clicked on WeChat while talking, and while clicking on "Scan", he asked, "Do you scan me or I scan you?"

   The corner of Gu Yang's mouth twitched, and he clicked on the QR code.

  Ji Minghui next to him also scanned Gu Yang's QR code when he saw this, and while applying to add friends, he said: "Speaking of which, Miss Gu Yang and I have known each other before."

   Seeing Ji Linbai and Ruan Chu coming together, Ji Minghui raised his eyebrows, and introduced to Gu Yang: "This is my son Ji Linbai, who is also your sister's friend. You should have met him too, right?"

  Gu Yang and Ji Linbai looked at each other for a moment, then slowly looked away.

  Although Ji Linbai is a friend of the big sister, but because he has witnessed the scene where the original body framed the big sister, his attitude towards her is not good.

  Ji Linbai now looks at Gu Yang with complicated emotions and full of curiosity, but thinking of his previous attitude towards Gu Yang, he feels embarrassed to ask.

  I knew that Su Ye was called, that guy talks a lot and has a good relationship with Gu Yang.

  Ruan Chu was angry: "So you are Yang Yang, and you kept it from me before!"

  Of course Gu Yang could tell that Ruan Chu was not angry, blinked his eyes, and obediently admitted his mistake: "It was my fault to hide it from my cousin, but isn't this to surprise my cousin?"

  Ruan Chu held Gu Yang in his arms, and hummed softly: "I don't care, if you don't find time to play the first piece alone for me, I won't forgive you."

  Gu Yang smiled and said, "Alright, you can listen to as many songs as you want."

  Ji Linbai looked at Ruan Chu who was holding Gu Yang's arm, his father who looked at Gu Yang kindly, and his boss who only had eyes for Gu Yang, and sighed silently in his heart.

  In fact, thinking about it carefully, since the boss returned home, Gu Yang hasn't acted like a demon like Green Tea, but he didn't have a good impression of her when they first met. Maybe, that was really a misunderstanding?

  After the opening program of the fashion charity banquet was warmed up, the host introduced the theme of the banquet, leaders and guests present, celebrities, media, etc., the leaders of the organizer and the mayor of Jincheng took the stage to give speeches in turn, and then began to enter the charity auction fundraising session.

  Gu Yang joins Gu Jin and his friends together. They all come to watch the fun with their families and do not participate in the auction.

  Lu Mao was playing a game when he suddenly cursed in a low voice, and said in a surprised tone: "Lu Wei has entered the game."

   "What's going on?" Zhu Di's tone was a little excited.

  Although Lu Wei is regarded as Lu Mao's younger sister, they all know that Lu Mao and Lu Wei's siblings are like fire and water. After all, Lu Mao's parents divorced because of Lu Wei's mother.

  Lu Mao glanced at Gu Yang, "What else can happen, as for Lu Wei stealing the goddess account, I don't know which strong man saw injustice and called the police."

   Account hacking is a small thing, or a big thing. It all depends on whether someone calls the police to investigate.

  The Gu family has a good relationship with the Lu family, and Gu Yang and Lu Mao are also friends. For the sake of the two families, Gu Yang will not go into details.

   Lu Mao gloated a little, "Tsk, Lu Wei will embarrass her mother this time, and she wants her family to go to the police station to find someone."

  Gu Yang glanced at Gu Jin next to him, and after confirming that it wasn't the elder sister who reported it, he suddenly remembered Feng Jue who should be at home right now.

  She clicked on Kaifeng Jue's WeChat: [Did you call the police about Lu Wei's matter? 】

  Feng Jue replied in seconds: 【Yes, sister】

  Feng Jue: [My sister won't blame me for making my own decisions, right? I just can't see the thief who bullied my sister getting away with it】

  Gu Yang could smell the aroma of tea through the screen, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

   It's all like this, can she still blame him?

  (end of this chapter)

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