Chapter 450 Miss Gu, you are different

  After the charity banquet was over, it was already dark outside.

  After Gu Yang got into the car, Gu Jin suddenly put down the phone, glanced at the upstairs opposite the clubhouse, and then closed the car door.

   "Sister?" Gu Yang rolled down the car window, looking at Gu Jin who had no intention of getting into the car in doubt.

  Gu Jin spoke casually, "You go home first, I still have some things to do."

  Ruan Xueling frowned, "It's so late, let's talk about it when we go home."

  Gu Yang stared at Gu Jin, feeling something was wrong.

  But Gu Jin had already walked straight towards the crowded place.

  Gu Yang was sitting in the car, and suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye, and noticed that there seemed to be a little red light on the dark upstairs opposite the clubhouse.

  Gu Yang froze, thinking of a possibility. She stared fixedly at the opposite building, and didn't see the red light any more. She only noticed that the curtain seemed to be moving, and she didn't know if it was the wind blowing or something.

  Gu Yang wanted to go to Gu Jin immediately, but Gu Jin's figure had already disappeared into the crowd.

   She took a deep breath to calm down.

  My sister should have found out that someone is going to assassinate her. She can't run around and make trouble for her.

  Snipers dare not reveal their location easily, and will not shoot in crowded places. Now my sister is safe.

  But Gu Yang was inevitably still worried, so he decisively chose to recruit soldiers, and sent Xiao Yize a location: 【Mr. Xiao, I found that there are criminals with guns nearby. 】

  Xiao Yize is a member of the special police, and when it comes to arms, he can handle this matter.

  Xiao Yize quickly replied: [I already know, sister, please sit in the car and don’t move around]

  Gu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Yize knew her situation, which meant that he was nearby.

  Gu Jin walked in the crowd with a sloppy expression, seemingly casually moving, but it made it difficult for people in the dark to attack.

  The people in the dark tracked and tracked, until they came to a remote abandoned industrial area.

   Just as he was looking around vigilantly, suddenly, a shadow landed from above, and the movement of the shot was sharp and fast, and the sniper rifle in his hand was kicked out.

   The sniper was startled, "Different martial arts? Who are you?"

  Gu Jin let out a light snort, her hands basically didn't stop, she directly grabbed the man with her backhand, and said in a contemptuous tone, "I'm your father."

   At this time, a gunshot sounded suddenly.

  Xiao Yize suddenly appeared, pointing a gun in her direction.

  Gu Jin tilted his head, and saw another sniper lying on the ground bleeding at the corner behind him, he was killed with one blow, and was completely beaten to death by Xiao Yize.

  She raised her eyebrows, it's not the official style to kill them all like this, "Thanks."

  But she didn't expect that there was another fish that slipped through the net hidden in the dark.

  Xiao Yize heaved a sigh of relief looking at the intact Gu Jin, "Sorry, I just heard the news and rushed over."

  Gu Jin glanced at the two people on the ground, and said indifferently: "This time it has nothing to do with you, their target is me."

  She mixed in black and white, and offended countless people, and such pursuits were just commonplace.

   While handcuffing the sniper, Xiao Yize said seriously: "It is also my duty to protect your safety."

  Gu Jin was taken aback for a moment, then thought of Xiao Yize's identity, and smiled lightly, "Citizens of China including me?"

  Xiao Yize looked at her deeply, with a smile on his gentle and elegant face, and his voice was very gentle in the evening wind: "Miss Gu, you are different."

   No one knew, when he saw the sniper's gun pointed at her, his always calm hand trembled.

   Even though he knew that she was a different warrior and would not be easily shot and injured, in his eyes at that moment, she was just an ordinary girl, the one he wanted to protect.

  Gu Jin looked at Xiao Yize in a daze.

  In the evening, although Gu Yang received the news that Xiao Yize reported that he was safe, he still stood by the window and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Gu Jin return to the villa.


  Good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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