Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 463: Do you want to give you a chance to show love?

  Chapter 463 Do you want to give you a chance to show love?

  In the past, when she and Wang Lingyu had a good relationship, Wang Lingyu often disliked her.

  She also knows herself. She has a carefree personality and is impulsive. She is not as versatile as Mo Mo and Yangyang, so she really has no advantages.

  No one has ever said that she is very good and deserves to be liked in every way.

   "Wang Lingyu, you still dare to come to our class one?" Lu Mao led Zhang Shan and Li Shi aggressively into the classroom, and guarded Zhu Di, "Get out immediately, you are not welcome in class one! If you don't get out, I will throw you out!"

  Wang Lingyu clenched his fists tightly, but seeing that there were so many people on Lu Mao's side, he could only swallow his anger and reluctantly left a class of classrooms.

  Before he left, he gave Zheng Yi a vicious look, "Zheng Yi, wait for me!"

  A poor boy whose family went bankrupt dared to rob him? I am really impatient!

  Gu Yang sat down at the table in front of Zhu Di, his eyes were on Zhu Di and Zheng Yi, and there was a little smile in his eyes.

  She noticed it when she first came in. The two got close, their eyes flickered at each other, and the roots of their ears were red. Something must have happened.

  Gu Yang: "Zheng Yi, thank you for taking care of Xiaodi."

  The friends also expressed their thanks.

  Zheng Yi scratched his head and said with a smile, "You're welcome, I should."

  Gu Yang glanced at Zhu Di, "But seeing what Wang Lingyu did just now, he should have hated you. You also provoked him because of Xiao Di. If he troubles you, remember to tell us."

  Zhu Di frowned upon hearing Gu Yang's reminder.

   Zheng Yi's family went bankrupt, and the Wang family was very powerful. If Wang Lingyu insisted on engaging Zheng Yi, Zheng Yi would probably be sad.

   Is it because of her...

   "Hey, Zheng Yi, if Wang Lingyu bothers you, come to me." Zhu Di nudged him lightly with his elbow, raised his chin, "From now on, you will be mine, and this lady will protect you!"

  Zheng Yi stared at her blankly, his heart burst into ecstasy, and he couldn't speak fluently, "You...Zhu Xiaodi, what are you talking about?"

   Is that what he thought it meant?

  The friends of Yizhong Tiantuan also looked at Zhu Di in surprise.

  Zhu Di's face was burning hot, but she was not a cowardly person herself, she raised her chin and said flatly: "Don't you have a crush on me? Now I will give you a chance to show your love, do you want it?"

   "Yes!" Zheng Yi blurted out without thinking, and then felt a little unreal, and looked at her in a daze, "You, promised to be with me?"

   It was rare for Zhu Di to see Zheng Yi in such a dazed state, the corners of his lips curled up, and he hummed softly: "Try it. But it's okay, if you still bully me like before, I'll dump you."

  Gu Yang blinked his eyes, but he didn't expect that a slight push would make such a big progress.

  However, it would be good if Zhu Di's famous flower had someone to choose from, so that Wang Lingyu would not come here feeling good about himself all day long.

  Feng Jue next to him lightly pursed his lips, looking at Zheng Yi with more envy.

  He also wants to be with his sister soon...

  Zheng Yi has been in high spirits all day long, and the smile on his mouth couldn't stop when he got home.

  The girl he had been secretly in love with for many years actually agreed to be with him.

   Unreal like a dream.

  Zhu Di originally had a flamboyant temperament, otherwise it would not have been well known that he chased Wang Lingyu in the past. After confirming the relationship with Zheng Yi, he officially announced it in the circle of friends with great fanfare.

  The two of them had always been on fire, but now they were officially announced to be together, which stunned everyone in the circle.

   Except for Gu Yang and others who witnessed the whole process at the scene sending a string of "999" blessings, the first reaction of everyone else was almost—

  【Stolen account? 】

  【The big adventure lost? 】


  Good afternoon~

  (end of this chapter)

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