Chapter 465 The show won't let you down

  Zhu Di thought about Zheng Yi's financial situation and wanted to refuse, but he met his eager eyes and was afraid of hurting his kindness.

  She nodded, thinking, her boyfriend's family is poor, she can't hurt his self-esteem, and find another opportunity to give him financial assistance.

   "Zhu Di, are you really with him?"

  When Wang Lingyu rushed to the base camp of the first group, what he saw was the scene of Zhu Di and Zheng Yi having breakfast together, and his eyes felt like they were being pricked by needles.

  Zheng Yi got up and stopped in front of him directly, with a cold face, "Xiaodi is my girlfriend now, stay away from her."

  Wang Lingyu was furious, and punched Zheng Yi at him, "Damn, are you looking for death?"

  Zheng Yi directly grabbed his wrist, snapped it, and kicked him out.

   Lu Mao, Zhang Shan and Li Shi applauded beside him, "Okay, good fight. This kind of scumbag deserves a good beating."

  There were not a few people watching the excitement around, and Wang Lingyu only felt a burning pain in his face when he listened to everyone's discussion.

  He looked at Zhu Di unwillingly, only to find that Zhu Di was holding Zheng Yi's hand, greeting him, without giving him a look.

  At this moment, Wang Lingyu really realized that he had completely lost the Zhu Di who had always liked him.

  The three-day school sports meeting ended in the afternoon, and the total scores of each class were also calculated. Class One of the third grade was led away by Gu Jin and Feng Jue, and successfully slaughtered the list.

  The awards ceremony of the school sports meeting will be held in the evening together with the cultural performance.

  Gu Yang and the others are all day students. They used to go home after school in the afternoon, but because there was a cultural performance in the evening, they told the driver at home in advance to pick them up later.

  The cultural performance was held in the auditorium. In addition to the teachers and students of the school, there were also leaders specially invited by the school.

   "Master Qu Mo, Ji Erye, and other masters, sit down." The principal of No. 1 Middle School led them to the VIP seats in the front row.

  The principal of No. 1 Middle School never imagined that a small cultural performance in their school could have so many big figures come uninvited.

  Especially the group of piano music masters around Master Qu Mo, those who didn’t know it thought it was because the art exam was advanced.

"Qu, you specially called us to Jincheng, let us enjoy the natural sounds of the piano world in Huaguo. We thought you were going to give a concert, but this is the end? Are you kidding us? "

  Beside Qu Mo is a foreign old man who is in good spirits. At the moment, he is critically looking at the crude layout in the auditorium:

   "There are many music colleges in Huaguo, but as far as I know, Jincheng No. 1 Middle School is just a provincial key high school, and it is far behind Jincheng International High School in terms of cultivating art students. Is there really a piano genius here that you can't help but praise?"

  Besides him, several other pianists who were invited by Qu Mo were also skeptical.

   Qu Mo smiled and said: "Mr. Smith, don't be impatient, trust me, you won't be disappointed by tonight's performance."

  For so many years, there are not many pianists who can really catch his eyes.

  Gu Jin is superior in music, and Gu Yang is superior in that indescribable artistic conception.

   Qu Mo can hardly imagine what kind of gorgeous movement will be produced when the grand piano level is combined with the ethereal and mysterious artistic conception.

   It is impossible for him to enjoy such a rare piano performance alone. It is best to let those old friends in the world see the charm of their talented pianist in Huaguo.

  On the other side, Ji Linbai and Su Ye followed Ji Minghui.

  (end of this chapter)

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