Chapter 468 Gu Yang imitates Yang Yang?

  Originally, when the audience heard the name of the program like "Piano Ensemble", they were a little bit interested, and many people simply lowered their heads and played games to pass the time.

  However, when the stage lights were turned on and Gu Yang and Gu Jin appeared on the stage, the scene caused quite a stir.

   "Fuck, what kind of fairy-tale partner is this?"

   "The appearance is critical! God, I really love it, and the goddess Gu Yang is too gentle and fairy!"

   "Sister Gu Jin is amazing too! This black dress is so evil and cool, I'm going to be ripped off."

  The audience in the front row felt the most up close, and those who had just opened the game couldn't help but look up.

  On the stage, a girl in a black dress and a white dress sat side by side in front of the piano, with exquisite profile and elegant demeanor, just like a noble girl in a European medieval palace. The combination of holy spirit and cold charm is like a white angel and a fallen angel.

  The sound of the zither is ethereal like a clear spring in the mountains, full of radiance, with a magical power that can make people feel peaceful.

   Gu Yang was surprised to find that she cooperated with the elder sister very tacitly, and the two made up for each other and brought out the best in each other.

  With the sound of the piano, the restless auditorium gradually quieted down, and then the flashing lights from the auditorium were turned on.

  I don't know who took the lead, but the audience below all lit up the flashlights of their mobile phones to silently support.

  Countless dots of lights flicker in the darkness, forming a river of stars.

   "How is it? Mr. Smith, everyone, is this worthwhile trip?"

   Qu Mo squinted at foreign friends such as Smith, who was immersed in the music and lost himself in the music, with small expressions full of complacency.

   "Oh, shut up." Smith directly covered his mouth, for fear of being disturbed.

   Contrary to everyone's expectations, the performance of an instrument that has always been underestimated won the highest score in the audience.

  Backstage, Zhu Di held the first prize certificate won by Gu Yang and Gu Jin, and smiled in front of Xu Xuanyan and Qi Yan, "Oh, our Yangyang sisters are so outstanding."

  Xu Xuanyan was so angry that she crumpled the second prize certificate in her hand.

  After the cultural performance was over, the video of Gu Yang and Gu Jin's piano ensemble was uploaded online by the students of No. 1 Middle School, and unexpectedly became popular on various short video platforms.

  【True fairy ensemble! When I listened to it live, I felt like I was going to be in a trance]

  【Little Fairy Gu Yang is also amazing! 】

  【The two sisters are too tacit understanding, why don’t those who spread rumors all day long and have a bad relationship with the real and fake daughters don’t come out now? 】

  【Humble fans want to chase stars in short videos, when will Little Fairy Gu Yang appear on variety shows? It would be nice if I could bring my sister with me]

  Gu Yang himself has a certain fan base, so the already popular video quickly became popular.

  The more people see it, the more people will notice the difference.

  【Speaking of which, the piano music in Gu Yang's video, why does it feel so similar to Yang Yang's? 】

  【After comparing, the tune is really the same. Is this an imitation of Yang Yang? 】

  【What imitation, it is obviously copying! Yangyang's song was improvised and has independent copyright, so Gu Yang is clearly stealing without permission]

  Gu Yang has fans, so naturally he also has a lot of black fans. Especially the fans of artists whom Gu Yang had offended before, such as Ruan Yan, Qi Xu, etc., took the opportunity to slander her.

  (end of this chapter)

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