Chapter 477 Rock Star Jiang Mo

  Considering that Gu Yang and Gu Jin are students and it is inconvenient for them to travel across the country, Gu Zhaoming directly used the power of the money owner's father to let Director Chen set the location of the third variety show live broadcast near Jincheng.

  The location this time is not a scenic spot, but a remote mountain village at the junction of Jincheng and Liangcheng.

  It is called Qingsha Village. It is said that it is still a poor village, but the advantage is that there is not much industrial pollution, and it is quiet and pleasant with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

  The day before the live broadcast, Gu Yang and Gu Jincai went to Qingsha Village by car.

  Ruan Chu was filming in other places, and flew back to Jincheng from other places alone, without being with them.

   On the day of the variety show live broadcast, in the farmyard rented by the program group,

  The original resident guests had already arrived at the scene. After the live broadcast started, a large number of squatting fans poured into the live broadcast room.

  A large number of barrages touting their own stars flooded in.

   "Welcome everyone to talk about wine and Sangma."

  Director Chen leisurely appeared in the camera, made a simple opening, and then let the camera scan the old guests one by one.

   Gu Jin, as a mysterious guest, has not yet appeared on stage, so Gu Yang stood with friends and acquaintances such as Ruan Chu and Ji Jingchi, and greeted the audience in the live broadcast room as before.

   "In this episode, in addition to the mysterious guest, we also invited a new resident guest."

  Director Chen stepped out of the camera, and a man wearing a leather jacket with rivets, ripped pants, a shawl and messy long hair, and a heavy metal rock style appeared in front of everyone.

  He is fair-skinned, with a feminine and handsome appearance. He looks a bit cool, but he exudes a decadent and melancholy temperament.

  Gu Yang couldn't help but look at him a few more times, it's rare to see such a contradictory person who doesn't seem to violate harmony.

  【Ah, ah, Jiang Mo! The new guest turned out to be Jiang Mo? 】

  【Isn’t Baby Jiang Mo preparing for a new MV? Xiao Po's variety show is promising, Director Chen actually invited someone here! 】

  【This seems to be Jiang Mo's first time participating in a variety show, right? 】

  In the last episode of the variety show, among the original eight guests, Qi Xu got into the round because of the crime of intentionally hurting others. Now he has been sentenced and locked up behind bars.

  In this episode of the variety show, the Gu Group invested more and had sufficient funds, so the program team spent money to invite the famous domestic rock singer Jiang Mo.

   "Welcome Jiang Mo to join the big family of Bajiuhua Sangma."

   Chen Dao cheerfully stepped forward to shake hands with Jiang Mo.

  Jiang Mo had never participated in variety shows before, so when Chen Daoguang spread the net to invite superstars, he thought he would refuse, but unexpectedly Jiang Mo agreed to participate in variety shows for some reason.

  However, at this moment, Director Chen's hand was hanging in the air, but Jiang Mo did not respond for a long time.

  Jiang Mo smiled gently, and said very bluntly, "Sorry, I have a cleanliness."

   Black fans scolded him for being hypocritical, but the fans and those who knew him had already gotten used to it.

  【Hahaha, Gou Chen quickly take back your paws】

  【It is well known that Jiang Mo is in the late stage of cleanliness, and he almost carries disinfectant to wash his hands】

   This is a well-known fact in the entertainment industry. Director Chen was too happy to forget it for a while.

   But fortunately, he has a thick skin and doesn't feel embarrassed, "Hey, people are forgetful when they get old. Come on, let's get to know each other first."

  Afterwards, Jiang Mo greeted the other guests one by one, and he was quite indifferent to others. When he saw Gu Yang, he smiled a little more: "Little fairy Gu Yang, I have admired her name for a long time."

  Gu Yang raised his eyebrows and responded politely with a smile.

  This Jiang Mo has a different attitude towards her.

  (end of this chapter)

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