Chapter 483 She is better than you think

  In the private room of Qingyaju,

  Lin Ran who was lying on the sofa jumped up suddenly, which attracted Xiao Yize's disgusted gaze.

  Lin Ran hugged the phone, "Young Master Xiao, have you watched Sister Gu Yang's variety show?"

  Xiao Yize's eyes moved, "Your sister is on a variety show again?"

   Then he can invite Miss Gu to watch a variety show together?

  However, Lin Ran said: "Miss Gu also participated in variety shows."

   Xiao Yize stopped the smile on his lips for an instant, reached out and snatched Lin Ran's phone, and sure enough, he saw the familiar cold girl.

  Lin Ran was still sighing: "Tsk tsk, Ms. Gu is really popular, and she attracted a lot of rich local tyrants as soon as she appeared on the stage."

  Xiao Yize silently took out his mobile phone, logged in to the Grape APP account that he had specially opened to pursue variety shows with Gu Jin, and started tipping Gu Jin with a blank expression.

   She didn't stop until she became number one on Gu Jin's fan list.

  Lin Ran next to him was stunned, he never thought that Xiao Yize, who has always been calm and reserved, would have such impulsive consumption.

  The way he looked at Xiao Yize gradually changed, "Young Master Xiao, are you serious about Miss Gu?"

  Xiao Yize gave him a cool look, "Do you think everyone loves each other like you do?"

  Lin Ran choked, and couldn't help but defend himself, "I've been cultivating my body and mind for a few months. But by the way, is Ms. Gu a little younger? She's still underage."

  Lin Ran couldn't help but care about his friend's lifelong events.

  Xiao Yize: "I can wait for her."

  Lin Ran counted with her fingers: "No, the generation gap, the generation gap of three years, you are six years older than Miss Gu, and there is a gap of two generations!"

  Xiao Yize frowned, and corrected dissatisfiedly: "It's five and a half years old."

  He calculated it on purpose.

   "That's about the same. Moreover, the gap between the Gu family in Jincheng and the Xiao family in Beijing is really too big."

  Lin Ran felt that the young ladies from aristocratic families in the capital who admired Xiao Yize alone were enough to make Gu Jin drink a pot.

   Xiao Yize said indifferently: "She is better than you imagined."

  Lin Ran wanted to say that no matter how good Gu Jin was, she couldn't offset the difference in the status of a wealthy family, but when she met Xiao Yize's eyes, she stopped talking.

   Forget it, anyway, Young Master Xiao hasn't even caught up with anyone yet, so why is he worrying so much?

   "By the way, I checked Moments. Ye Qingzi has returned to China. I think she will come to Jincheng to look for you in the near future."

  Xiao Yize frowned, "What is she here for?"

  Lin Ran: "It is said that a new vegetative treatment method has been found. As you know, she has been studying abroad for further studies these years."

  Xiao Yize spoke indifferently, "I don't need her, Miss Gu's treatment is very effective."

  Qingsha Village.

  After the four mysterious guests were seated, guests from each group invited them to have lunch together.

  Because of Gu Jin's appearance, the atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.

  Jiang Mo, Qiu Baizhou and Ji Linbai couldn't help but look at Gu Jin frequently, especially Jiang Mo and Qiu Baizhou, after all, they both came to see their eldest sister behind their backs.

  After lunch, Director Chen began to introduce the situation of Qingsha Village, and began to assign today's tasks:

  "Qingsha Village is rich in pomelo. Everyone should have noticed when entering the village. There are large tracts of pomelo forests on the mountain and roadside, and there are also grapefruit trees in the front and back yards of houses in the village.

   Now is the season for grapefruits. Our afternoon task is to help farmers pick grapefruits.

  The program team did not prepare a place to stay. Everyone needs to be approved by the farmers to live in a homestay. I hope everyone will actively participate. "

  (end of this chapter)

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