Chapter 495 Gu Jin Really Knows Medicine

  Gu Jin's brows were cold and calm, and he spoke concisely, "Liver palms appear on the hands, and spider moles appear on the neck, which are common in patients with liver cirrhosis and decreased liver function."

  The uncle didn't expect that Gu Jin could really talk about something, he was taken aback, and muttered: "What kind of liver palm, what kind of spider mole, I've never heard of it, so don't fool me."

  Big brother and sister rarely talk coldly and cherish words like gold. Of course, she can't be expected to explain proper nouns.

  So Gu Yang was very considerate on-site Baidu, conveying knowledge: "After the liver palm finger suffers from chronic hepatitis, especially liver cirrhosis, the skin in the palm of the thumb and the base of the little finger has flaky congestion.

   Or red spots, plaques, which turn pale after pressure. Liver palm is one of the important signs of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

  Spider nevus is composed of a central arteriole and many thin blood vessels radiating outward. The thin blood vessels extending outward are called spider naevi because they resemble spiders in shape.

  Spider naevi is a more obvious sign in patients with liver cirrhosis after entering the decompensation stage. "

  These are all outwardly visible symptoms.

   Upon seeing this, the photographer also took a close-up of the uncle's palm and neck.

  Many medical students in the live broadcast room also stood up to speak—

  【I am a senior student majoring in traditional Chinese medicine, and I can tell you responsibly that the palm of that uncle's palm is indeed a liver palm, and the one on his neck is a spider mole. What Gu Yang said is also correct]

  【So Gu Jin really knows some medical skills, not just talking about it】

  【Then it seems that the uncle is lucky, early detection and early treatment can also speedy recovery】

  The uncle couldn't help touching the spider mole that appeared on his neck, looked down at his hands, and listened to the comments of the people around him, his face changed drastically.

  He had already noticed that his palms were abnormally red recently, but he didn't think much about it.

  Joining in the fun, the uncle was a little confused: "It's really a liver disease, so what should I do?"

  Gu Jin took out a note pad, and wrote a prescription on it, "Take the medicine according to the above."

  The uncle took the prescription in a daze, looked at the list of Chinese medicine names on it, and then looked at the cool and beautiful girl in front of him, with hesitant and suspicious eyes, "Little girl, can your prescription really cure it?"

  The audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked by Gu Jin's actions—

  【Damn it, Gu Jin is too careless, a blind cat encounters a dead mouse and really diagnoses something wrong, so dare to prescribe medicine indiscriminately? 】

  【Ah, who dares to eat it, uncle, don’t be stupid, go to a regular hospital for treatment! 】

  【Gu Jin knows a little bit of medical knowledge, so she really considers herself a doctor? If you have a medical qualification certificate, you dare to prescribe medicine to someone. This is illegal practice, right? Reported】

  The melon eaters around are also skeptical. After all, diagnosing a disease is not the same as treating a disease. Taking medicine indiscriminately will cause problems if it cannot be cured.

  Gu Yang heard the uncle's words and the doubts from the audience, and frowned unhappily, "My sister just gave a plan, if you are worried, you can go to the hospital to see a doctor.

   As for whether to take the medicine according to the prescription, it is up to you. In addition, my sister is not practicing medicine illegally. There is an important criterion for judging illegal practice of medicine, that is, for the purpose of profit.

  We are just selling grapefruits. Diagnosis and treatment are bonus services, free of charge, not for profit.

  Speaking of which, uncle, you have to thank my sister. Whether this disease can be cured or not, it is good to find it early. "

  Gu Yang blinked his eyes and looked at the uncle with a smile.

  The uncle was slightly taken aback, the more he listened, the more he felt that what Gu Yang said made sense.

  (end of this chapter)

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