Chapter 504 Has the biggest investor changed?

  Ruan Chu was not polite, and directly took the ingredients Yao Qiu handed over, then ignored Tang Qiaoqiao who was pretending to be pitiful, and walked directly towards the kitchen.

  Director Chen ate the melon with relish and didn't comment. After all, no matter how he evaluates it, he will offend one of the fans, and he has no fans to help him, so he will be scolded miserably.

   "Ahem, congratulations everyone for completing the task of selling grapefruits and successfully earning the ingredients needed for lunch..."

  Director Chen made a brief summary of the morning's competition, then suddenly changed the subject and said with a smile: "Please make good use of the existing ingredients to make a rich lunch.

  Today, the largest investor of our program will come to Qingsha Village to carry out a public welfare project to help farmers and the poor. During the period, he will choose to have lunch with a group of guests.

  The selected lucky guests will receive generous gifts from the investor’s father. "

   "The largest investor?"

   "The biggest investor in this program seems to be the chairman of Jincheng Gu Group."

  For a moment, everyone looked at Gu Yang and Gu Jin.

  Ji Jingchi was curious, "Little Fairy, is your father coming?"

  Gu Yang, who was washing vegetables with Gu Jin by the well, raised his head with a confused expression.

  She shook her head, "I don't know too well."

   Gu Zhaoming never mentioned this, but according to her understanding of Gu Zhaoming, if he wanted to come, he would definitely give her a break.

  Gu Jin next to him didn't know what to think, and his cold eyebrows were slightly raised.

   After learning that the biggest investor is the father of Gu Yang and Gu Jin, the viewers in the live broadcast room were curious, and some complained about the program group—

  【Is this still a choice? The investor's father must have chosen to have dinner with his daughter]

  【It’s boring, it’s just a capitalist’s game, all lucky guests have been pre-determined, right? 】

  【By the way, I'm looking forward to the investor's father. He should be a handsome uncle who can produce such a beautiful daughter as Gu Jin, right? 】

  The client, Gu Zhaoming, who was watching variety shows with his wife at the Gu family villa in Jincheng, was at the moment in a daze:? ? ?

  Ruan Xueling asked suspiciously: "When did you say you were going to Qingsha Village to do public welfare and poverty alleviation?"

  Gu Zhaoming was also confused, "I didn't! How could I still be sitting here if I was going?"

  He is very busy now. In order to bring down the Wang Group together with the old Zhu family, the capital operation is very tight. Where will the money come from to help the poor?

   Gu Zhaoming immediately called to ask the program team, and when he heard the reply from the other side, he stood up suddenly in shock, "What, someone increased investment and replaced me as the largest investor? Who?"

  Qingsha Village, smoke from cooking.

   Not long after, the lunch prepared by the four groups of guests was ready.

  Among them, Ruan Chu, who is good at cooking, is obviously the best performer. The dishes on the table are exquisite, full of color and fragrance, and just looking at them makes people's index fingers move.

   Followed by Gu Yang, although Gu Yang, Gu Jin and Ji Jingchi are not good at cooking, but they have a cousin Ruan Chu as foreign aid.

  The most bleak table was Tang Qiaoqiao's table. They were only average cooks, but the ingredients were damaged.

  The relationship between the three is a little delicate now, so it is naturally difficult to cooperate.

  The things made are naturally unsatisfactory.

  At this time, there was the sound of a car stopping at the gate of the small courtyard, and Director Chen hurriedly ran to open the door to welcome the investor's father.

  The door opened, and what appeared in everyone's sight was a black Rolls Royce that was out of place with the surroundings.

  The driver got out of the car and bent to open the door, a tall and thin young man appeared in front of everyone.

  (end of this chapter)

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