Chapter 514 is a bit like Feng Jue?

   "Of course I would."

   There is no need to think about this question at all, even if Gu Zhaoming is here, he would agree without hesitation, so Gu Yang replied very directly.

  Gu Family Villa, in the living room.

  Gu Zhaoming didn't expect that while watching a variety show, a pie was suddenly dropped, and he was stunned for a long time.

   After realizing it, Gu Zhaoming laughed heartily: "Hahahahaha... It's just God helping me, now the progress of bringing down the Wang family can be accelerated!"

  Ruan Xueling also grinned from ear to ear, "Yangyang and Xiaojin are the lucky stars of our family, and the last variety show brought such a big business for the company!"

  The couple sat side by side on the sofa watching variety shows, imagining the plan of "Tianliang Wangpo".

  Between the two of them, Gu Pei raised his head, unknowingly hung up the game he was playing, and he was staring at the boy next to Gu Yang on the screen with a serious face.

  How does he feel, that mysterious Feng Dong looks a bit like Feng Jue?

   But when he looked carefully and discerned carefully, he felt hazy and not so similar.

   It's because Feng Jue's sense of existence is too low at ordinary times, he can't even recall his side face and voice for comparison.

   "Mom, where is Feng Jue?"

  Gu Pei remembered that he hadn't seen Feng Jue all day today.

   "Do you think Xiao Jue knows how to play games and go to Internet cafes all day long like you? He went to the city library to read and study early in the morning."

  Ruan Xueling gave Gu Pei a disgusted look.

  Gu Pei was dissatisfied and defended: "I was practicing e-sports, and I will become a world champion in the future!"

   At this time, the sound of game failure came from Gu Pei's mobile phone that was on-hook.

  Gu Pei: "..."

  Qingsha Village,

  The guests wandered around the village with Feng Jue. The villagers knew that there was a big man among them who wanted to help the poor in their village, so they were very enthusiastic.

  Gu Yang was sandwiched between Gu Jin and Feng Jue, his eyes flicked left and right, and he continued to face Master Duan Shui.

  Suddenly, she saw the little dumb guy she met when she was picking grapefruits. He was squatting in front of the house and feeding the chickens.

  Following Feng Jue's line of sight, Director Chen also recognized the little mute, "Is that the kid who bumped into Qiao Yinghou before? It seems to be a mute?"

   Gu Yang frowned and corrected, "It's aphasia, which can be cured."

   "He is too pitiful. He got sick, but the family didn't help him find treatment, so he was regarded as dumb and bullied by other children."

  Tang quietly spoke sympathetically, but her gaze was always on Feng Jue.

  This young Chairman Feng came to do poverty alleviation in person, which shows that he is kind-hearted.

  Then she acts compassionate and helpful, which should get his attention.

  In this episode of the variety show, she is so badly designed that it is difficult for the company and her agent to explain, but if she can climb up to Chairman Feng...

   "Let's go to his house to see if we can provide them with any help?"

  Tang quietly tilted his head to propose.

   But embarrassingly, no one echoed her.

  Since noon, after everyone in the program group except Tang Qiaoqiao reposted Ruan Chu's Weibo, Tang Qiaoqiao was invisible and isolated.

  Even the staff were extremely indifferent to her.

  Tang quietly smiled stiffly.

   Still Director Chen smoothed things over: "That kid is quite pitiful, Director Feng, do you want to go and have a look?"

  Feng Jue looked at Gu Yang with questioning eyes, seeing her nodding, he said, "Go and have a look."

   Tang Qiaoyou's dark eyes lit up instantly, she bet right!

  This Feng Dong is a kind-hearted and simple rich man. She is the best at handling such a person.


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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