Chapter 530 Gu Yang Sued

  Gu Yang saw that Ruan Xueling suddenly asked her where Gu Jin was, and was still a little puzzled.

  The elder sister's whereabouts are unpredictable, and she often doesn't know where she has gone.

  But now, she really knows where the big sister is.

   Gu Yang thought about it, and it is not impossible to say: [Sister is in the hospital]

   She was afraid that Ruan Xueling might misunderstand her, so she added: [Isn’t my sister good at medicine? Do you work part-time in a hospital]

  The vest of the genius doctor has not been taken off, so it is not good for her to remove her vest privately.

  Besides, the big brother and sister helped Xiao Yize treat the vegetative, which is almost a part-time job.

   On the other side, Ruan Xueling saw Gu Yang's supplementary reply, and silently deleted the sentence "Is she sick?" that hadn't been sent yet.

  But when I saw the words "part-time job", I suddenly felt sad.

  Although Xiao Jin knows a little bit about medicine, she is not a medical student after all, and it is impossible to work part-time as helping doctors, so it can only be doing odd jobs.

   Could it be that the family gave Xiao Jin not enough money to spend, and Xiao Jin was too embarrassed to ask for money, so she went to the hospital to do part-time odd jobs?

   That's right, Xiaojin grew up in an orphanage, she is used to being independent, and she has to be strong in her bones, so of course she can't save face and ask her parents for money.

  Ruan Xueling has already imagined the desolate scene of Gu Jin mopping the floor and taking out the garbage in the hospital.

  She immediately transferred a sum of money to Gu Jin's bank card.

  After that, he asked Gu Yang again: 【Yang Yang, do Xiao Jin and Young Master Lin know each other? 】

  Gu Yang: [Yes, Lin Ran is a friend of Mr. Xiao, the physics teacher in our class. We all know him, Xiaopang and him are still bosom friends]

  Gu Yang was puzzled at first, why Ruan Xueling suddenly asked about Gu Jin and Lin Ran.

   But soon she knew why.

  In the "Yizhong Tiantuan" group.

  Zhang Shan reposted a campus forum post.

  Gu Yang saw "Gu Jin" in the title of the post, so he clicked to read it. Before he finished reading it, Gu Yang frowned.

  The original book also has this plot, the people who spread the rumors are Xu Xuanyan and Qi Yan, the two cannon fodder female partners who are out and about doing things.

   All the friends in the group were blown out.

  Lu Mao was the most excited and angry: [Fart, spread rumors, I, brother Lin, have no desires now, and focus on researching the most beautiful hair color, how can I fall in love? 】

  Lu Mao and Lin Ran are like-minded, and they have become bosom friends, and they have reached the point of calling them brothers.

  Gu Yang saw the corner of his mouth twitch, and also said: [Fake]

  Actually, she doesn’t need to say it, and my friends won’t think this post is true.

   After all, they are not focused on fighting against Gu Jin now, and because she is in the middle of the middle, they are still in harmony with Gu Jin, so they will naturally break away from the ranks of cannon fodder, and will not be forced to lower their intelligence by the protagonist's halo.

  Mo Mo: [Gu Jin is not like that kind of person, but the person who posted this post is really vicious]

  Zhu Di: [Gu Jin probably doesn’t know about this yet, right? Yangyang, you ask her to come forward and clarify? If you don’t respond to those people, it will only get worse]

   Clarification Of course it is necessary to clarify.

  But she guessed that the elder sister should be busy now, otherwise Ruan Xueling wouldn't skip Gu Jin and ask her to find out about Gu Jin's situation.

  And the owner of the luxury car involved in this matter is not Lin Ran, but Xiao Yize.

  Gu Yang resolutely forwarded the post to Xiao Yize and sued.

  Gu Yang: [Mr. Xiao, some students in No. 1 Middle School spread rumors to slander my sister and your friends. As the vice principal, you should take care of it, right? 】

  Only students of No. 1 Middle School can register an account and post on the campus forum of No. 1 Middle School.

  Although the campus forum is not officially managed by the school, and Xiao Yize has no authority, he is still the second in the list of hackers!

  (end of this chapter)

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