Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 543: But someone is waiting for you to come home

  Chapter 543 But someone is waiting for you to go home

  Gu Yang also made a gesture of setting off fireworks, and said with a smile: "It's almost Chinese New Year, and the fireworks are going to be set off soon."

   I silently added from the bottom of my heart that it is impossible to set off fireworks in Jincheng City, and it will cause trouble.

  Grandma was attracted by her movements and looked at her straight.

  Gu Yang looked directly at him with gentle eyes, and said softly: "Do you want to go home? Go home and watch the fireworks with your family."

  Grandmother dull: "Go home..."

  She didn't know what to think, and shook her head in fear: "No! Don't answer, black, it hurts."

   "It's not the place where you were locked up, but the hometown where you grew up. It's not dark there, and no one will beat you. Your relatives have been looking for you, don't you want to go back and see them again?"

  Gu Yang's voice was soft and soft, as if coming with the wind.

  The case in Ji Linbai's hand fell to the ground and hit his foot, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

  He was actually hypnotized just now.

  Ji Linbai looked at the girl in the light yellow down jacket in front of him, his eyes were full of horror.

  Although he knew that Gu Yang knew how to hypnotize, he never expected that it would be so strong that his grandma and him fell into hypnosis almost instantly.

   Moreover, Gu Yang didn't use tools, but simply hypnotized with his eyes and voice.

   Like those powerful hypnotists on the dark web rankings, in order to achieve better hypnotic effects, they will use their own unique tools.

  There are all kinds of tools, pocket watches, cigarettes, musical instruments, etc. are all possible.

  He originally thought that Gu Yang's tool was a piano, and secretly felt that she was at a disadvantage, such a big hypnosis tool is not easy to carry.

   Later, when he revisited Ruan Chu's previous variety shows, he discovered that Gu Yang had used playing cards to hypnotize Cao Junning, and he was curious about what Gu Yang's real hypnosis tool was.

   Now it seems that she doesn't need hypnosis tools at all, or in other words, she can use the surrounding environment to achieve the purpose of hypnosis.

  Ji Linbai watched quietly from the side, not daring to disturb Gu Yang, but a turbulent wave was set off in his heart.

  It's a pity that he is not a real hypnotist, otherwise he would definitely hold Gu Yang's thigh to worship.

  Gu Yang: "Who are you?"


"I can not go back…"

  Grandmother, that is, Du Lan, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

   "But someone has been waiting for you to come home."

  Gu Yang has always been concerned about the follow-up development of the case.

   After finding out the case, Xiao Yize also assisted relevant departments to help the victim find relatives.

   Duran has been missing for more than 20 years, and now he is over 40 this year.

  Although the parents are old and still alive, they never gave up looking for them, but they couldn’t do what they could.

  The reason why Dulan's drug treatment was not effective was because she subconsciously didn't want to wake up, and didn't want to face such a devastated life.

  Gu Yang didn't know whether it was right or wrong to use hypnosis to force her to wake up and let her face the cruel reality.

  However, Duran's first half of his life has been broken and muddy. If the second half of his life is chaotic, that life will be completely ruined.

  She must at least be sane before she can make choices about the future.

  Gu Yang stretched out his hand above his head, made a gesture of setting off fireworks, and ended the hypnosis with a smile: "I wish you a happy new year in advance, Dulan."

  Duran looked at her steadily, "Is someone really waiting for me to go home?"

  Gu Yang told her with certainty: "Yes."

  On New Year's Eve, Dulan's parents arrived in Jincheng by taking a green leather train for more than ten hours.

  The old man who had gone through vicissitudes burst into tears when he saw Duran.

  (end of this chapter)

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