Chapter 545 The boat of friendship capsizes

  Su Ye checked casually at the time, and then told him in surprise that "Super Big Jelly" turned out to be the old man of the Ruan family, that is, Ruan Chu's grandfather.

  Then going to Mr. Ruan’s house to spend New Year’s Eve as a guest, isn’t it just spending New Year’s Eve with Ruan Chu?

  Ji Linbai's heart was moved, and he decisively accepted Mr. Ruan's invitation, and began to curry favor with Mr. Ruan, and had a good chat with him.

  During the online chat, he tested Old Master Ruan's opinion of Ji Linbai.

  As a psychiatrist, he was able to analyze the attitudes of others from simple words, and then he discovered that Grandpa Ruan Chu was quite satisfied with him, but he cared more about his family background.

  In general, he and Ruan Chu are not optimistic.

  He deliberately picked a time after lunch to come to the Ruan family's old house, because he was afraid that after seeing him, Mr. Ruan would leave him for lunch and send him away.

  In fact, Ji Linbai's worries were not superfluous.

  The moment Mr. Ruan saw that the driver picked up Ji Linbai, the smile on his face froze almost instantly.

  The boat of friendship capsizes as soon as it says it capsizes.

   But after all, he was the one who brought them back, and he was too embarrassed to drive them away, so he had to stay for the New Year's Eve dinner.

  So there was a scene where Ruan Chu met Ji Linbai at home.

  In the evening, Ruan Chu personally cooked and prepared a table of sumptuous dishes.

  Mr. Ruan is very proud of his granddaughter's cooking skills, "Since Chu Chu has mastered cooking skills, our chefs are always worried about losing their jobs."

   "Chu Chu's cooking skills are really good, but I don't know which kid will be cheaper in the future."

  Ruan Xueling's eyes fell on Ji Linbai next to Ruan Chu, "I've seen this Doctor Ji on a variety show, is he Chuchu's friend?"

  Ruan Chu was suddenly stared at by the whole family, his face was hot, and he felt inexplicably bringing his boyfriend to meet his parents.

  But Dr. Ji was obviously invited by Grandpa.

  Ji Lin's Bai Qingjun handsome face showed no trace of embarrassment, he nodded very naturally, "Yes. Chuchu and I are very good friends."

  Ruan Xueling said with a smile: "Inviting me to my house on New Year's Eve, the relationship is really good."

  Master Ruan snorted: "I invited Xiao Ji, Chu Chu didn't know."

  Ruan Chu was curious: "Grandpa, how did you meet Dr. Ji?"

Mr. Ruan's expression turned a little unnatural, for fear that Ji Linbai would tell him that he was Ruan Chu's fan-head "Super Big Jelly", he immediately said with a straight face: "You are sick and hide it from grandpa, and grandpa is not allowed to ask about it in private. Your psychiatrist?"

  Ji Linbai also said: "Grandpa Ruan met me when I was learning about your situation."

  Old Man Ruan gave Ji Linbai a sideways glance. This kid has good eyesight and knows how to cover him.

  Ruan Chu has always felt guilty about this matter, so he put vegetables in Mr. Ruan's bowl to flatter him, and kept saying good things, "My fault, grandpa, I won't dare in the future."

  Master Ruan stared at her, "And what's next?"

  Ruan Chu shook his head again and again, promising: "No more."

  Master Ruan snorted softly, but he happened to meet Gu Yang's slightly smiling eyes.

  He somehow felt that he was being seen through, so he turned his eyes away with guilt.

  After the New Year's Eve dinner, Mr. Ruan set up the Spring Festival Gala in the living room, and Ruan Xueling and Gu Zhaoming watched the Spring Festival Gala with him to watch the New Year's Eve.

  Gu Pei couldn't sit still after watching two shows, and pulled Gu Yang to run in the yard, mysteriously saying: "Sister, I brought good things."

  Gu Jin and Feng Jue also followed.

  Gu Pei took out a handful of fairy stick fireworks in different shapes.

  (end of this chapter)

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