Chapter 563 Xiao Yize who is off the mark

  Xiao Yize recalled that the speed of the bullet just now was wrong, it was obviously slower than when it was shot from the muzzle of the gun.

  He picked up the bullet that fell on the ground, looked at the model, and it was indeed the one he fired just now.

  Xiao Yize aimed the bullet at the light, and gently stroked it with his fingertips. There was no blood or fingerprints.

  Xiao Yize put the bullet in his pocket and took it away, chuckled, "It's kind of like revenge."

  He hit her on the left shoulder, and she immediately used her inner strength to return the bullet, also aiming at his left shoulder.

   When Xiao Yize came down from the rooftop, he saw Lin Ran and several black-clothed special police officers on guard.

  Lin Ran: "Young Master Xiao, I lost my heel."

  Xiao Yize nodded to express his understanding, which is not surprising.

   "The one in front entered the next building and turned off the electric switch of the opposite building, and the monitoring was paralyzed. I didn't see him coming out of the window again, and I didn't find anyone when I went up." Lin Ran grabbed the green hair with a slightly irritable expression.

   "But the nano-gold rope he used seems to be an experimental product of Utopia. It is said to be made of the latest "nanotube bundle" on the dark web. It has extremely high strength and elasticity, and the price is very expensive on the dark web.

   But Utopia is only for its own people, and it is still above the elder level. That person must be the elder of Utopia, right? "

  Xiao Yize was also thinking about the identity of the person who fought against J. Hearing Lin Ran's guess, he shook his head: "No. No one matches."

  Every elder in Utopia is on the wanted list of special departments.

   Moreover, the bounty hunter J stole his head before, and those who assassinated were all members of Utopia. It can be seen that J has a deep hatred for Utopia.

  But just now, although the two men fought fiercely and deadly, they both only used the S-level level, obviously leaving room for each other.

   It doesn't look like a fight to the death, but it looks like a simple fight. He is also SS rank, so he looks childish.

   This is also the reason why he didn't recognize J at the first time, after all, the style contrast is too great.

  If the person opposite J belongs to Utopia, then she will never have room for it.

   "A few years ago, an elder from Utopia died in Huaguo." Xiao Yize narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly remembered an unsolved case.

  During this time, the special department was investigating Utopia. Lin Ran was excited and had a clue.

   Now that the clue was broken, he sighed and asked again: "By the way, Young Master Xiao, what about that J? Did you catch it?"

  Lin Ran looked behind Xiao Yize, but he didn't see anyone, so he clicked softly in his heart, and sure enough, someone ran away again.

  Lin Ran: "I didn't catch him, but with your marksmanship, Young Master Xiao, he must have been shot and seriously injured, right?"

  Xiao Yize gave him a cold look, "Lin Ran, you are quite energetic? Do you still want to go to Continent F?"

  Lin Ran shut up instantly.

  Before Xiao Yize left, he looked towards the direction where Gu Jin had jumped down from the rooftop, his eyes darkened a bit.

  After all the people from the special department had evacuated, Gu Jin reappeared on the rooftop.

  She crossed her arms and looked down at the brightly lit city. She touched her shoulders with her fingers. There was a hole in the fabric of the coat, and the light reflected a faint metallic luster.

   She wears body armor.

  At that time, she was talking to Xiao Yize, wasting time to find a way out, and was also finding the right angle so that Xiao Yize would not shoot her in the head. After all, she doesn't have bulletproof equipment on her forehead.

  She thought that Xiao Yize would aim at her heart and shoot her after she moved, but she didn't expect his bullet to deviate.

  The distance from the heart to the left shoulder seems not far away, but for a shooter of Xiao Yize's level, it can be said to be far away.

  (end of this chapter)

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