Chapter 569 Gu Yang apologizes?

  But rationality made her suppress this shameful impulse.

   At this time, Gu Yang supported his chin with one hand, looked at her with a smile, still speaking in Spanish: "I accept your apology."

   Ruan Meng was stunned by her shamelessness.

   Who asked you to accept an apology?

   Did she want to apologize?

  She is clearly provoking, okay?

  She was thinking at that time, anyway, Gu Yang couldn't understand, it didn't matter what she said, so what she said was just to make her brother think she was polite!

   Besides, the person who should apologize is obviously Gu Yang!

  But my brother also said that this kind of bad girl will not realize her mistake!

  However, in the next second, she heard Gu Yang say in Japanese: "It was my fault at the grandfather's birthday banquet five years ago, sorry."

  Ruan Meng could tell that it was Japanese, but she couldn't understand what it meant, so she blurted out: "What did you say?"

  Gu Pei also recognized that it was Japanese. Although he didn't understand it, it didn't prevent him from laughing at Ruan Meng: "Tsk tsk, don't you know eight languages? Why can't you understand?"

  Ruan Meng choked. Although she keeps saying that she has learned eight languages, learning and mastering are two different things.

  Ruan Meng looked at her brother, but saw that her usually indifferent and serious brother also showed a surprised expression at Gu Yang.

  She tugged at the cuffs of his suit, her eyes full of inquiries.

  What exactly did Gu Yang say?

  Ruan Bin looks at Gu Yang with complicated eyes, sister Ruan Chu is right, Gu Yang seems to be very different from before.

  Ruan Bin looked at Gu Yang with deep eyes, "Apologizing is about sincerity. Most of you here are Chinese, so it is more sincere to use Chinese. Gu Yang, what do you think?"

  Gu Yang smiled on the surface, but MMP in his heart.

  But there is no way, she is Gu Yang now, and she has to fulfill her obligations to enjoy her rights.

  She can't just enjoy the benefits brought by her original body and identity, but ignore the disadvantages, right?

  And in Ruan Meng's view, she is Gu Yang, and she is the one who hurt her.

  So she took the scapegoat and wanted to clear it up.

  Gu Yang smiled: "Of course."

  She got up, and said sincerely to Ruan Meng in front of everyone: "Ruan Meng, I made a prank five years ago and made you look ugly at the grandpa's birthday banquet, I'm sorry."

  The living room was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at Gu Yang in surprise.

  Everyone remembers the matter that Gu Yang made Ruan Meng embarrassing five years ago.

  Afterwards, Ruan Meng asked Gu Yang to question him. Gu Yang smiled and said, "I just said it casually, thinking you really believe it."

   Bad attitude and no remorse.

  The Ruan family's eldest son was naturally angry. The Gu family didn't think it was a big deal, it was just that their daughter was being naughty for a while.

  No one expected that Gu Yang would apologize to Ruan Meng in public for what happened back then.

  Ruan Bin was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Gu Yang to use Chinese as he said.

  Ruan Meng looked at Gu Yang incredulously, and also stood up, "What did you say?"

  Gu Pei couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Well, I thought Chinese was so good, but now I can't understand it anymore."

other people:"…"

  Ruan Meng glared at Gu Pei, but now she was more attracted to Gu Yang, so she didn't argue with him.

  Gu Yang blinked his eyes, and said to Ruan Meng: "I apologize to you, do you want to forgive me?"

  Ruan Meng finally came to her senses as if she had just woken up from a dream. She glared at Gu Yang angrily, "I don't forgive you!"

  Gu Yang sighed softly, sat down, lowered his head and lowered his eyes: "Oh, that's fine."

  Ruan Meng has pinched Gu Yang ever since they met, and it was the first time seeing her in such a pitiful appearance, she subconsciously reflected: Was she too fierce just now?

  —Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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