Chapter 573 Duran's Choice

   Du Lan looked at the approaching Gu Yang, his calm expression gradually fluctuated, "Thank you."

  Gu Yang smiled, "I'm glad you are willing to face this world soberly."

  The girl's smile is warm and pure, like the warm sun on the snow in the first winter.

  Duran seemed to be infected by her smile, and his eyes fell on the old father, the old mother, and the man, and his eyes gradually showed warmth: "You are right, there are still people waiting for me to go home."

  Gu Yang followed her gaze, and also took another look at the middle-aged man.

  She heard Xiao Yize and Ji Linbai talk about Dulan's family.

  He is not Dulan's brother, but Dulan's childhood sweetheart, Li Hang, who grew up together and was planning to talk about marriage.

  The two elders are both teachers, and Dulan is the only daughter of the two elders. She has good grades since she was a child, and she only graduated from college two years before the accident.

  Her life and future have just begun, and she should have a happy family.

  After she disappeared, many people said that she ran away with a man outside, but Li Hang didn't believe it, and kept looking for her. Later, when the second elder was in poor health, he was also taking care of her.

  He is still unmarried. The two elders also regard him as their own son.

  Li Hang always thought that he would never see Dulan again in his life, and he was ready to take her place in the care of his parents. I didn't expect half of my life to be able to get what I wanted.

  Duran didn't expect that after so many years, Li Hang was still waiting for her.

   When he learned about her terrible past, there was no disgust or disgust in his eyes, only aching and hatred in his heart.

   "When Xiaolan is discharged from the hospital, we will go to get the certificate." Li Hang said to Gu Yang and Ji Linbai: "If the doctor is free, welcome to our house for a drink or two."

  Gu Yang and Ji Lin Bai smiled politely, "Congratulations."

  Gu Yang looked at the family's warm and affectionate scene, sighed helplessly in his heart, and had no choice but to break the atmosphere: "Sun Xi was discharged from the hospital today. You are relatives in law and blood, let me tell you something."

  The family was obviously taken aback.

  Sun Xi is the youngest son of Du Lan and Sun Jianmin, and he is also being treated in this hospital, of course they know it.

   It's just that, for the Duran family, those sons are not emotional relatives.

   After all, it was not the child born under Duran's will, with the blood of the other half.

   Some even witnessed Sun Jianmin's evil deeds and Duran's tragic situation, but they were indifferent, and even helped to cover for the tiger.

  Although they cannot be generalized, their existence, to Duran, represents the unbearable past and the scars that cannot be erased.

  Gu Yang felt it necessary to ask: "He will be sent to the orphanage soon, do you want to go and see?"

  Li Hang looked at Du Lan, "Xiaolan, I went to see Xiaoxi, she is different from them, she is a good boy, should we take him back too?"

  He is willing to accept Duran's children.

  Duran pursed his lips and shook his head at Gu Yang: "I won't go, I won't see you again in the future, it doesn't matter whether I go or not."

  Gu Yang nodded and said nothing.

  Du Lan looked at Gu Yang with some surprise, she knew that Gu Yang liked that child Sun Xi, "I thought you would persuade me to take him home."

   After all, it was her own. It is only natural for a mother to raise her own child. Abandoning one's own child is so selfish and should be condemned.

   "You didn't have a choice back then, so now I respect your choice." Gu Yang smiled slightly.

  Duran's eyes moved slightly, and his voice choked up: "Thank you."


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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