Chapter 582 Of course my sister is the highest level

   "Oh," Gu Yang nodded, "That's almost the most powerful."

   "What about me?" Gu Yang was a little curious about himself.

  Feng Jue looked at Gu Yang with deeper eyes, he shook his head: "Not sure."

   "The rating of a different warrior is a combination of various abnormal abilities. Generally, it can be roughly judged by the force value, but there is an exception for a category of people."

  Gu Yang asked: "What kind of person?"

  Feng Jue: "Hypnotist."

  Gu Yang looked puzzled, "Isn't it the hypnotist I understand?"

  The hypnotist she understands is a profession engaged in psychotherapy.

  She can also hypnotize herself, and she can forcibly hypnotize the other party without the cooperation of the hypnotized person.

  Feng Jue thought for a while, "Actually, it's the same. It's just that the effect is more obvious."

To make it easier for Gu Yang to understand, Feng Jue gave an example, "There used to be a top ten hypnotist on the dark web in country M. Because he was suffering from depression and was extremely world-weary, and he was a singer himself, he released a song that was extremely depressing and world-weary. .

  Overnight, everyone who heard that song committed suicide. Fortunately, the International Alliance of Alien Warriors discovered and banned the song in time, so that no more people were killed. "

  Gu Yang had also heard the legend of forbidden music killing people before, but in many cases, those who committed suicide may have psychological problems themselves, but they were stimulated by the suppressed tunes, and they couldn't think about it for a while, and then committed suicide.

   Such an indiscriminate attack that commits suicide as long as you hear it is really terrifying.

   "Like that singer-hypnotist, his body is weak, and his force value is lower than normal people, but the rating of him on the dark web is SS." Feng Jue said.

  Gu Yang understood Feng Jue's meaning, pointed at himself, and blinked his eyes: "So I am also a hypnotist, the rating can't just be based on the strength value? It is mainly based on the lethality?"

  Feng Jue nodded, "You can say that."

  Gu Yang stroked his chin, thoughtfully, "Then I should be at or below C, right? I can't be that singer hypnotist."

  Gu Yang felt that he was quite harmless.

  However, Feng Jue smiled, "My sister hasn't tried it, how do you know I can't do it?"

  Gu Yang was taken aback.

  She didn't think about it.

   After all, who the **** is free to try how many people he can hypnotize and kill!

   That's a crime! To be sentenced to death!

  She is a law-abiding citizen!

   But what Feng Jue said makes sense, she hasn't tried it, how can she be sure that she doesn't have that ability?

  Gu Yang was frightened by his own thoughts.

  Feng Jue said: "It's not that my sister can't do it, it's just that she doesn't know how to do it."

  My sister is kind-hearted, so naturally she won't hurt innocent people.

   But in fact, in the eyes of many alien warriors, they are supermen, the chosen ones, and they don't put the lives of ordinary people in their eyes.

  Gu Yang was silent for a moment, and guessed something: "So like the International Alliance of Alien Warriors, and the special department that Xiao Yize belongs to, they all exist to restrain alien warriors?

  Utopia is a group of pretentious and worthless people like singer hypnotists?

   It is not Utopia that is really shielded from the sight of ordinary people, but everything about alien warriors. "

   After all, the existence of alien warriors far surpassing ordinary people is too easy to cause panic and turmoil.

  Feng Jue nodded, "Sister is really smart."

   Needless to say, many things have been guessed.

   "I want to know what happened to that singer?" Gu Yang was a little curious about him.

  Feng Jue answered every question: "The singer is now one of the twelve elders of Utopia."

  Gu Yang recalled that he had hypnotized Feng Jue the most since he was in the book, so he simply asked him: "Then what level do you think I am?"

  Feng Jue said without hesitation, "Sister is of course the highest rank."

  (end of this chapter)

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