Chapter 597 Miss Gu, give me your hand

  At that time, when he took over the post of minister, he was full of vigor and youthful vigor. How could he accept being provoked like this?

  So he got on the bar with bounty hunter J.

   Then, he was robbed one after another.

   It's all about Utopia.

   It can be said that bounty hunter J killed half of his leads.

   Again and again, again and again, no one can bear it. Moreover, Xiao Yize also suspected that the bounty hunter J was sent by Utopia to silence him, so he issued a hunting order for her and hunted her down himself.

  Traveled all over six continents, fought many times, but still failed to catch anyone.

   But in the end, he never even saw the real face of bounty hunter J.

  So he can only speculate based on his own portraits after several encounters. His always accurate criminal profile was frustrated by bounty hunter J.

  Gu Jin approached him step by step, seeing him put his hand into his coat pocket, his eyelids twitched involuntarily.

   It's still daytime, this is still school, Xiao Yize actually plans to fight her?

  Gu Jin took a deep breath, but fortunately, she also brought a gun.

  So, there was such a scene——

  Xiao Yize took out a ball of plush stuff from his coat pocket, turned around and handed it to Gu Jin.

  At the same time, Gu Jin pointed a mini silencer pistol at Xiao Yize's forehead.

  The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

  Gu Jin stared blankly at the plush thing in Xiao Yize's hand, her mind went blank for a moment.

  She pulled out her gun, yet Xiao Yize actually showed her this? ? ?

   "Is Miss Gu still angry? I surrender, don't shoot."

  After Xiao Yize was stunned, a helpless smile appeared on that handsome face, he slowly raised his hands, and walked towards Gu Jin step by step.

  He is obviously making a gesture of surrender, but the whole person is dignified and elegant, as if walking in a garden.

   He was begging for mercy, but he was smiling and doting, as if he was coaxing people.

  Gu Jin put the pistol back into his pocket pretending to be calm, and his phoenix eyes glanced at the plush thing in Xiao Yize's hand, "What is that in your hand?"

  Xiao Yize walked up to Gu Jin, looked down at her, with a smile on his lips, "Miss Gu, give me your hand."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gu Jin to reply, he took one of her hands, and then put a plush glove on her.

  Gu Jin was stunned, and even forgot to pull her hands back for a moment, allowing Xiao Yize to put plush gloves on both of her hands.

  The gloves are pink and white, with patterns like cat's paws, very cute style, very suitable for my sister.

  But, Xiao Yize actually put it on for her? !

  Gu Jin's mood at this moment is as complicated as wearing a pink dress for the first time.

  Xiao Yize looked calm, but when putting on the gloves for Gu Jin, his movements were clumsy and his hands were still trembling.

   It was the first time he gave a gift to a girl he liked, and he was actually a little nervous.

  He thought about what to give Gu Jin for a long time, and even asked Gu Yang's sister to gossip about her preferences.

   Then I discovered that Gu Jin didn't seem to have any particular preferences. If I had to say yes, it would be that I favor Gu Yang, the younger sister.

  Miss Gu Jin is not short of money, and she also has principles. If he gives you an expensive gift, she probably won't accept it.

   Xiao Yize thought about it and didn't think about what to give, until this morning on the way to school, he saw an old lady selling gloves by the side of the road. He suddenly remembered the slightly cold feeling when he held Gu Jin's hand when he was shopping.

  Xiao Yize said: "Miss Gu, it's very cold, you should pay more attention to keep warm."


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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