Chapter 721 The past twenty years ago

  The reason is absurd, but all the evidence points to the housekeeper, and the people behind it have also swept the tail cleanly.

  Gu Family Villa, living room.

  Ruan Xueling was still in the hospital, and suddenly there was no voice from her at home, and it seemed strangely quiet.

   Gu Zhaoming is sitting on the sofa, Gu Yang, Gu Jin, Feng Jue and Gu Pei are all looking at him.

  Gu Pei was the first to lose his composure, and couldn't help asking: "Dad, what happened to the Gu family in Beijing? Why did they expel you?"

  Gu Yang also looked at Gu Zhaoming curiously.

   Now Ruan Xueling's car accident and other things have completely deviated from the plot of the original book.

  The original book is a plot that revolves around the big brother and sister. According to the development of the original book, at this point after the college entrance examination, the Gu family is almost bankrupt.

  In the original book, there is no plot about the Gu family in the capital dealing with Gu Zhaoming. After all, in the original book, Jincheng's Gu family had killed themselves, and there was no need for others to take action.

   "Deportation?" Gu Zhaoming sneered, with a mocking tone, "I haven't been back to the capital for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I've heard that I was deported from the capital."

   "Fuck, Dad, you must have been framed, right?" Gu Pei reacted violently.

  Gu Yang also smelled the smell of melons, but she didn't expect that her father is also a person with a story, so she couldn't help asking: "Dad, what happened back then?"

  Gu Zhaoming originally didn't want to mention those bad things in the past, but when he saw the concerned eyes of the female goose, his heart softened, and he narrated the past.

   It turns out that Gu Zhaoming is the eldest son of the Gu family, the heir of the Gu family in Beijing, and has two younger brothers.

  As the heir of the family, he was brought up by his grandfather since he was a child, so he has less contact with his mother than his two younger brothers.

   Compared with Gu Zhaoming, who was not brought up by herself, the mother prefers the two youngest sons.

  According to the tradition of taking care of the family, the last 90% of the family property is given to the heirs, and the remaining 10% is shared equally with other brothers and sisters.

So my mother always felt that this was unfair to the two younger brothers, and told Gu Zhaoming from childhood that he only benefited from the advantage of being older, otherwise the Gu family might belong to his younger brother, so she often told him to let the two brother.

  When Gu Zhaoming was young, he also felt that there was no problem with this statement. He was the eldest son of the direct line, and he was raised by his grandfather as his heir at birth.

  As the two younger brothers get older, the more they understand, the more unbalanced they feel.

  Why should the family property be inherited by Gu Zhaoming in the future? Just because he was born before them?

  The mother also felt that Gu Zhaoming was not as close to her as the two sons who were raised by her. She was worried that Gu Zhaoming would not be filial to her in the future, and she also had the idea of ​​​​pushing his father to change the heir.

  Gu Zhaoming's father, who is now the old man of the Gu family.

  Mr. Gu did not think about changing heirs. After all, Gu Zhaoming, the heir, was chosen by his father to be brought up by his side since he was a child. He is far superior to the other two sons in all aspects.

  Gu Zhaoming had little contact with his mother since he was a child, and he has long been accustomed to his mother's partiality. He always felt that it was because he took advantage of it, and his mother was biased in order to compensate his two younger brothers.

  Occasionally he would be jealous that his two younger brothers were more favored by his mother.

   But he underestimated his mother's eccentricity.

  One day twenty years ago, my grandfather had a heart attack in the courtyard of the old house. Gu Zhaoming and his two younger brothers immediately ran back to the house to get the medicine.

  At that time, Gu Zhaoming was only thinking about getting his grandfather to take medicine to slow him down, but the two younger brothers wanted to take the opportunity to compete for favor in front of his grandfather and compete with him for medicine.

   During the scramble, the second brother and the third brother joined forces. The third brother snatched the special medicine from him and threw it to the second brother, but the second brother failed to catch it, and the special medicine was thrown into the pond in the yard.


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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