Chapter 734 Need a bullet to shut you up?

  Feng Jue didn't change his face, didn't even raise his eyelids, and raised his hand to grab the pistol.

  Gu Jin still maintained the posture of holding the gun.

  Both of them stood still, but their eyes seemed to be confronting each other silently.

  Feng Jue snorted lightly, "Don't let go, are you really going to shoot?"

  Gu Jin stroked the trigger with her fingertips, glanced at Gu Yang who was hugging her arm, resisted the urge to shoot the dog in the head, and let go.

  Feng Jue got the pistol and flipped it a few times in his hand.

  Leaving aside the facts, Gu Jin is quite interesting.

  He chuckled softly, "It's not easy to get this model. Is it because of Xiao Yize?"

  Gu Jin's face was cold, and her voice was cold, "Do you need me to send you another bullet to make you shut up?"

  Feng Jue restrained his smile, looked at Gu Yang pitifully, "Sister~"

   Gu Jin's forehead throbbed with blue veins.

  Gu Yang tugged at the corner of Gu Jin's clothes, pretending to be cute to her, "Sister..."

  Gu Jin's face softened a little, and she reached out to rub her head, "Yangyang, it's late, go back to the room to sleep."

  Gu Yang glanced at Feng Jue hesitantly.

  Feng Jue smiled at her, "Sister, good night."

  Gu Yang looked back anxiously: "Then I'm leaving, we're all one family, if you have something to say, don't be impulsive."

  Gu Jin: "Yes."

  Feng Jue nodded obediently.

  Just as the door closed, the two slowly met their gazes and shot at the same time.

   At this time, the door was opened again.

  Gu Jin and Feng Jue were startled, and quickly separated.

  Gu Yang poked his head in, and saw two people having a friendly conversation at a distance.

   What a picture of time and peace, loving each other!

   Noticing Gu Yang's movements, both of them turned their heads to look at it.

   "Forgot to say good night, good night."

  Gu Yang smiled slightly, without changing his face, and then slowly closed the door with confidence.

  Gu Jin and Feng Jue were still having a cordial and friendly conversation, but after hearing the sound of the door closing when Gu Yang returned to the room, the two turned their faces again.

   Gu Jin strikes first, hitting Feng Jue's eye socket with a punch.

  Feng Jue also held his breath, threw the pistol on the table, and started wrestling with Gu Jin.

  The voices of the two were very soft, but their strikes were heavy.

  That night, Gu Jin limped back to the room with a cold face.

  Feng Jue wiped the special medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in front of the mirror all night. The medicine came from Gu Jin's pit before, and the effect is very good.

  The next day, Gu Zhaoming took his family to the capital by plane.

  Gu Zhaoming had already arranged various matters of the Gu Group, and also contacted the elders of the Gu family in the capital. Everything is ready, there is only a suitable time to return to the Gu family in the capital.

   And Mr. Gu's 80th birthday at the end of the month is the right time.

  After the plane landed, Gu Zhaoming led his family to the Fifth Elder who came to pick him up, "Uncle Fifth."

  The elder and Mr. Gu who is the head of the family are of the same generation. The fifth elder is not Mr. Gu's brother, but he is younger than Mr. Gu, so Gu Zhaoming has called him "Uncle Wu" since he was a child.

  In the century-old family of the Gu family, the titles of "Patriarch" and "Elder" have been handed down from ancient times to the present, and are usually only called in family meetings.

   Now that we are in a modern society, shouting like this every day is too dramatic, and it is easier to be regarded as crazy.

  The fifth elder has gray hair and is a kind and kind old man.

  He patted Gu Zhaoming on the shoulder, and said with relief, "Zhaoming, you are finally back. Good boy, just come back."

   "Thank you Uncle Wu for not giving up on me for so many years. I have figured it out now. At the beginning, my grandfather worked so hard to train me because he wanted me to revitalize the family. I shouldn't take a gamble and ignore the family."

   Gu Zhaoming sighed, "I don't know if it's too late to repent now?"

  (end of this chapter)

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