Chapter 811 I don't like you

   Seeing the girls around him looking at him, Gu Yangshun put out a wave of advertisements for his big sister's Good.

  She originally had fair skin, but the main reason why she couldn't get tanned was because the sunscreen developed by the elder sister was effective.

   Then at noon, Gu Yang went back to the dormitory to put away his things, and when he was about to go out, he bumped into Tong Jiayin carrying a box of Good's skin care products back to the dormitory.

  The logo on the outside of the box is so obvious that it’s hard not to notice it.

  Tong Jiayin subconsciously reached out to block the logo, "This is a gift from my brother, I will not buy this kind of Internet celebrity product that has only been on the market for a few years."

  Gu Yang looked bewildered, and responded cooperatively, not exposing Tong Jiayin's obvious "There is no silver three hundred taels here".

   Except for the conflicts at the beginning of school, Tong Jiayin and the others lived in peace after that.

  Tong Jiayin felt that Gu Yang was a little perfunctory, but as soon as Gu Yang left the dormitory, he couldn't wait to open the box and try the skin care products and sunscreen inside.

  After clearing up for a whole week, it finally rained heavily in the capital.

  The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Xiao Yize did not let the students of the Department of Physics to do military training in the rain, but asked everyone to gather in the big classroom for military theory classes.

  Gu Yang pulled Gu Jin to sit in the first row very actively.

  Gu Jin listened casually at first, but later on she listened more and more seriously.

  Xiao Yize’s lectures are not boring, and he will also tell many stories about him in the army and his comrades.

  The rain still didn't stop at night, Xiao Yize saw that everyone was exhausted physically and mentally from the military training, so he took a rare vacation and asked everyone to rectify housework in the dormitory.

  Water pavilion among the clouds.

  Fu Mingxiu was brought out by Mrs. Fu to have dinner with Tang Shiya, and they discussed the engagement incidentally.

  Mrs. Fu always wanted to settle the matter early, but Fu Mingxiu had been dragging this matter before, and now she finally let go and was willing to come to see Tang Shiya.

  In the box, Tang Shiya behaved generously everywhere, even though Fu Mingxiu didn't have a good face, he still didn't get cold feet.

  Mrs. Fu has always been very satisfied with Tang Shiya.

   Everyone is a lady, generous, with high EQ and IQ, and quite scheming, not the kind of silly and sweet who don't know anything. She is a very suitable candidate for the head of the house.

  Fu Mingxiu said hello when he entered the door, and has been drinking since then.

  Madam Fu frowned, and bumped him with an elbow, "Mingxiu, do you think it's better to go back to Jincheng for the National Day to get engaged, or for the summer vacation? After discussing it, the two of us can prepare."

  Fu Mingxiu stood up suddenly, and said to Tang Shiya, "I'm not engaged anymore."

  Tang Shiya's smile froze slightly, and the hand holding the cup was slightly clenched, "Why?"

"I do not like you."

   After speaking, he turned his head and left the box.

   Madam Fu's face turned cold, "Fu Mingxiu, stop!"

  Fu Mingxiu didn't look back.

  Mrs. Fu was about to die of anger.

   Tang Shiya was also a little annoyed, but she didn't show it in front of Mrs. Fu, she was still calm, "Auntie, marriage is a major event for our two families.

  But brother Mingxiu's wish is also very important, if it really doesn't work out, let's forget about it. For the Tang family, I will tell my parents. "

  She has a crush on Fu Mingxiu, but she doesn't want to let go of her dignity as a famous lady and become a licking dog.

  She doesn't care who he likes, after all, how many rich marriages can be affectionate?

  But both families have talked about this, and everyone around her thinks that the engagement is a certainty, but Fu Mingxiu suddenly refuses, which is really embarrassing to her.

  (end of this chapter)

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