Chapter 195: This Person Was Pretty Much Like Si Yuhan

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Si Yuhan kept waiting for Ke Ruan for a long time but Ke Ruan didn’t come. Si Yuhan felt something might have gone wrong. The secret guard came to report to him that Lin Qingye was meeting Ke Ruan. So Ke Ruan didn’t even show up in the banquet now.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty,” Xiaoluzi shouted in a low voice from the side.

Si Yuhan looked up and saw someone proposing a toast to him. But Si Yuhan was unhappy. So he stood up directly and left the palace without saying a word.

People in the hall was at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

Only Xiaoluzi was left behind, standing beside the throne seat. He was rather fearful when facing so many ambassadors and generals of the other states alone.

But now, he had no other way.

So he declared in a hoarse voice while trembling, “The Emperor has something to deal with now.”

Then, he hurriedly caught up with Si Yuhan.

When Si Yuhan arrived at Ruanhan Palace, he found Ke Ruan sitting alone on a stool. Ke Ruan seemed to be in a daze.

“What’s wrong?”

Ke Ruan heard Si Yuhan’s voice and asked, “Why are you here? Aren’t you at the banquet?”

Si Yuhan walked towards him and leaned over to look at Ke Ruan, “Since my Empress is here, I’m not interested in the banquet at all.”

Ke Ruan had a bored look when he said, “Han, leave me alone for a while. Can you…”

Si Yuhan rejected directly, “No!”

Ke Ruan sighed and didn’t speak.

“What’s wrong?” Si Yuhan turned Ke Ruan’s face to face him and asked Ke Ruan to look straight at him.

“General Lin, he…”

Before Ke Ruan could finish, Si Yuhan’s gaze had turned gloomy. Even his hand that was holding Ke Ruan’s chin became stiff and Ke Ruan could no longer bear but frown.

“So, your sadness comes from Lin Qingye. Am I right?” Si Yuhan said while gritting his teeth.

Si Yuhan was worrying if Ke Ruan was safe. Even though Si Yuhan had appointed his most powerful secret guard to protect Ke Ruan, Si Yuhan was still worrying if Ke Ruan was safe, and even left those extremely dangerous people behind to check if Ke Ruan was fine.

In the end, Si Yuhan could only find that Ke Ruan was feeling sad for another man.

‘Very good. It’s really good.’ Si Yuhan thought.

“No. I’m not sad at all. Little Han, don’t misunderstand.”

“Enough is enough!” Si Yuhan stood up, “Since you are unwillingly to participate the banquet, then just stay here.”

Then he waved his sleeve and left.

Ke Ruan, “…” ‘Why do they all vent their anger on me?’

‘Si Yuhan’s bad temper is really annoying to me.’ Ke Ruan thought.

Ke Ruan scratched his hair and thought, ‘No way. I must put Lin Qingye’s matter away and deal with the most important matter in the first place. Now, Little Han is the most important one for me.’

‘Because many vicious people are staring at him.’

Ke Ruan hurriedly stood up and rushed to the banquet hall.

When Ke Ruan passed the Imperial Garden, he seemed to have heard some voice. He didn’t pay much attention to the voice. But he could hear that the voice was quite small and he could tell that the voice came from a couple.

Ke Ruan immediately stopped, trying to find if he was hallucinating.

The moment he stopped, the voice suddenly disappeared.

Ke Ruan sought to find out the source of that voice. He could see that there was indeed a figure there. Ke Ruan squinted and wanted to go over to confirm. But he found that someone was coming from a dark corner.

Ke Ruan was stunned when he saw the person.

Because this man looked very much similar to Si Yuhan, especially his eyebrows and eyes.

However, Si Yuhan’s look gave people a gloomy and fierce feeling. But this person’s eyebrows looked gentle, especially when he was wearing a moon-white python patterned robe with a moon-white geometric patterned belt tied around his waist. His long hair looked like flowing water and he was having a pair of starry eyes. His face was indeed clean and handsome.

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