The sound of a sword is a sign of a great victory.

As soon as the words came out, all was quiet.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

This look could cost him his life!

The maid who had been serving behind Lin Ze was holding the sharp blade in her hand against Lin Ze's neck with a murderous look on her face.

Everyone's face changed and they became nervous.

In this hall, anyone can die, even a few princes can die, but this young master of the Lin family, Lin Ze, must not get into trouble!

He is the last heir of the Lin family. Once he dies, Lin Ao will lose the last shackles and go completely crazy!

At that time, Beichen will be in turmoil!

Countless people and countless families will be buried with Lin Ze!

"How dare you!"

"You rude thief, let go of Master Lin!"

"Put down your weapons! If Master Lin is hurt, I will kill your entire clan!"


Everyone present stopped their actions and looked at Lin Ze who was being held hostage by the maid.

The maid smiled coldly, "Let go?"

"If you really let me go, will I still be alive?"

As she spoke, the maid pushed the blade deeper, and the sharp sword had already touched Lin Ze's skin!

"If you don't want this Master Lin to get into trouble, you'd better be honest!"

"Especially you! Dog Emperor!"

"I know you have profound cultivation and can easily take my life without hurting Lin Ze."

"But my knife is on Lin Ze's neck. If you dare to do it, I dare to exchange my life for another's!"

"I don't care. I only have one worthless life, but Master Lin..."

Emperor Beichen looked at the sharp blade in the maid's hand with deep eyes, "Let Ze'er go."

"I can spare..."

The maid scolded, "Don't play tricks! Back off!"

"And you! Back off!"

Everyone was highly focused, like a frightened bird, fearing that the maid's knife would destroy the future of the entire Beichen Dynasty.

But at such a tense moment.

As the person involved, Lin Ze was unusually calm and took a sip of the wine glass.

It was as if the person who was experiencing the shock of life and death was not himself, but someone else.

He was calm and composed, and he was a scene in his own right.

He was in sharp contrast to the others on the Wenyuan Pool.

Everyone was stunned.

Seeing this, the maid smiled, "It seems that Mr. Lin is not as ordinary as the rumors say."

"At least this calmness that does not get scared in the face of things makes people look at him with admiration."

Lin Ze put down the wine glass and finally spoke.

"You can still catch me if you don't go down."

"I don't know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky."

In the original book, Lin Ze was also kidnapped, but he was caught because he went to talk to Xia Qinghe.

Now he didn't go down, but he was still kidnapped.

You think Lin Ze is easy to bully, right?

While talking, the maid keenly discovered that a glimmer of imperceptible light flashed on Lin Ze in front of her!

Then, Lin Ze became a little illusory.

The maid's face changed, and her intuition made her feel strongly uneasy!

She quickly clenched the sharp blade in her hand, as if only in this way could she give herself confidence.

"What do you mean!?"

"It means..."

The maid's pupils suddenly shrank!

Because Lin Ze's voice suddenly appeared behind her!

And the Lin Ze in front of her...

Pieces of illusory feathers fell from his body, and finally turned into bubbles and disappeared!


"This... This seems to be the Lin family's Tianyu Liuhuan!?"

"Body like feathers, shadow like illusions, this is at least the realm of the fourth illusion!"

"Fourth illusion!? Doesn't that mean..."

"That's right, to practice the fourth illusion, Mr. Lin's realm must at least reach the sixth level of the acquired realm!"

"This... doesn't it mean that Mr. Lin is only at the third level of the acquired realm? This acquired sixth level... this..."

Everyone stared at Lin Ze in a daze, stunned.

Emperor Beichen seemed to be meeting his grandson for the first time, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Just when everyone was stunned, something even more shocking happened!

Lin Ze, who had appeared behind the maid, stretched out his hand.

The maid subconsciously sensed the danger and quickly pulled away!


"... Be careful in your next life!"


A strong suction force instantly emerged from Lin Ze's palm.

Boom! !

A sudden wind!

Lin Ze's palm seemed to have turned into a huge eye of the wind, pulling everything in the world into the eye of the wind, and being torn apart by the ruthless storm!

A violent hurricane blew in Wenyuan Pool instantly!

Like waves, one after another, one wave over another!

Storm ripples stirred up the entire Wenyuan Pool into a mess!

And in this storm, Lin Ze was like a demon god who controlled the storm, riding the storm!

His powerful pressure like a god or a demon raged in Wenyuan Pool along with the storm!

A huge stone immediately pressed on everyone's heart, making them feel heavy and having difficulty breathing!

I just felt as if I was facing a doomsday disaster and felt powerless!

And the maid who faced the storm had already flown to the eye of the storm uncontrollably.

Continuously twisting and shrinking in the storm...



Lin Ze clenched his hands.

A large pool of blood flowed from his hands!

When he opened his hands again, tiny particles of powder fell from the air and scattered in the pool of blood.

Then his eyes flashed again, and he casually shot out invisible sword energy.


The sword energy split into thousands of things, one into two, two into four, and four into thousands!

Countless sword energy roared in Wenyuan Pool, killing all the villains in Wenyuan Pool with various tricky angles and strange traces, piercing their hearts or heads, and passing through their bodies!


"I... don't..."

"Mercy, mercy!"


Sword energy flew, and heads rolled!

One by one, the rebels died under the invisible sword energy!

The whole scene can be described as a harvest!

In less than a moment, all the rebels in Wenyuan Pool were left with only a few survivors who were subdued by the guards.

The rest were all killed!

Corpses were lying in a pool of blood.

All I saw was red!

Scarlet! Red!

The pungent smell of blood filled the entire Wenyuan Pool!

The entire Wenyuan Pool was silent.

There was complete silence.

At this moment, everyone was silent.

They just stared at Lin Ze blankly.

Their minds were already blank!

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