The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of stars.

Lin Ze walked in the prosperous Beichen Imperial Capital.

Lin Ze was in a complicated mood at this time, and he wanted to relax.

The flowers and willows in the world can always dispel the depression.

Someone recognized him.

Whether as the second young master of the Lin family before, or the Shenwu King who shocked Beichen later, or the Xiantian God who shocked Cangjian Mountain, Lin Ze’s popularity in Beichen has never been small.

People greeted Lin Ze warmly and respectfully, and sometimes passers-by burned incense and knelt down to Lin Ze on the spot, praying for blessings as if they had seen a living god.

Some people wanted to have children.

"Shenwu Immortal! Please bless me, let me have a big fat boy next year!"

Some people seek the truth.

"Lord Shenwu! I want to become an immortal like you, please bless my believers and show me the way!"

Some people seek to revive their masculinity!

"Lin Shenren, living Shenren! Please bless me to be strong and revive my masculinity! I wonder if those little hooves dare to shout tonight!"

This made Lin Ze laugh and cry, and the depression in his heart dissipated a little.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh.

After achieving the innate, the innate and the secular are really two different worlds.

Just sighing.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came and caught Lin Ze's attention.

"Lin... Lord Shenwu?"

Lin Ze's eyes condensed slightly and turned to look.

Xia Qinghe, a young lady in a white dress, with a fresh temperament like the early summer, and a graceful figure like the snow in the wind, was looking at Lin Ze with autumn in her eyes and a little joy on her face.

After not seeing her for a long time, she was still as beautiful as when she first met.

Seeing Lin Ze's eyes, Xia Qinghe hurriedly greeted him.

"My humble daughter Xia Qinghe pays respect to the prince!"

Lin Ze looked at Xia Qinghe, with a gleam in his eyes.

"You are still staying in Beichen."

Based on calculations, Lin Ze estimated that Xia Qinghe and Liu Hanyan, two characters who played a prominent role in the original plot, must have noticed something wrong and left Beichen.

But unexpectedly, Xia Qinghe was still here!

This was beyond Lin Ze's expectations.

Hearing Lin Ze's words,

Xia Qinghe was stunned.

"I don't understand what your Highness said."

Lin Ze glanced at Xia Qinghe from top to bottom, and the yin and yang energy in his eyes flashed with a ray of purple light!


Lin Ze couldn't see any problem.

Xia Qinghe in front of him seemed to be just an ordinary person!

Strange, with Lin Ze's current cultivation, he couldn't see through Xia Qinghe's true face?

Could it be that Xia Qinghe is really just an ordinary person?


Lin Ze's expression did not change, "If you don't understand, then don't understand."

Xia Qinghe nodded as if she understood.

Then she looked at Lin Ze and said, "It seems that your Highness is worried?"

"Will the supreme existence of the innate god also have troubles?"


Lin Ze just glanced at Xia Qinghe.

Xia Qinghe said again.

"Although I don't understand your troubles, I know that some emotions need to be vented, and it will feel better if you say them out."

"...Do you want to hear it?"

Xia Qinghe smiled, "If the prince is willing."

"Oh, if you want to hear it, then I'll tell you."

After that, a ray of light reflected in Lin Ze's eyes.

The whole world suddenly became quiet.

All the noisy sounds disappeared without a trace.

Looking around.

Everyone in the entire Beichen Imperial Capital disappeared strangely!

Only Lin Ze and Xia Qinghe were left.

They seemed to have come to another deserted Beichen, to the inner world!

Xia Qinghe was a little surprised when she saw this.

She said, "Is this the power of the innate gods?"

Lin Ze looked at her deeply.

"I guess so."

Then, he began to tell his 'story'.

"The story I want to tell is about a friend of mine."

"And this story begins at an emperor's banquet!"

"From this banquet...the gears of fate begin to turn!"


Lin Ze recounted the plot of the original novel.


"Later, my friend was crushed to ashes by the woman he fell in love with, and his entire family was wiped out!"

"Who is that woman?"

"What did she think?"

Lin Ze had already revealed his cards by telling this story.

Except for not mentioning any names, it was exactly the same as the original trajectory.

Even if Xia Qinghe was really just an ordinary person, she should know what she was talking about.

Looking at Xia Qinghe, the stars in Lin Ze's eyes were unprecedentedly deep.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a huge abyss, bottomless and unpredictable!

However, Xia Qinghe's reaction was beyond Lin Ze's expectations.

She showed a look of confusion and a little bit of incredible shock.


"The story you told..."

"No, it's not this story. It should be said that this similar scene seems to have occurred in my dream!"


"In the dream?"

Lin Ze raised his eyebrows, "Do you have an answer in the dream?"

Xia Qinghe thought carefully, "I remember... I seemed to say in the dream..."

"That woman may not have really killed your friend."

Lin Ze's eyes condensed with stars.


Xia Qinghe said a little embarrassedly, "This... Things in dreams are always absurd, and my logical cognition in dreams is a little..."

"But it doesn't matter."

Xia Qinghe thought for a while and said.

"Maybe I think her reaction to your friend is too weird, not like a normal person's behavior."

"How can you turn against each other after your courtship fails? And you give someone else's things to someone else. Isn't it uneasy to be convicted!"

"There must be something wrong when things are abnormal."

"Plus, you said that the woman killed your friend herself and crushed his bones to ashes."

"Then, whether your friend is dead or not, isn't it only the woman herself who knows?"

"Of course, I'm just guessing, it doesn't count, you don't have to take it seriously."

After saying that, Xia Qinghe also felt that her answer in the dream was a bit absurd, and her face was slightly red and she lowered her head.


"If you really proposed to me, how could I refuse..."

And the latter words, Xia Qinghe spoke very softly.

As thin as a mosquito.

Even if others got close, they could hardly hear clearly.

But with Lin Ze's realm, how could he not hear Xia Qinghe's whispers.

This Xia Qinghe...

Lin Ze frowned.

She didn't look like she was pretending.

Every word she said was true.

This was a bit unbelievable.

Lin Ze took a last look at Xia Qinghe.

Then, his figure disappeared.

The world returned to normal, and noise came.

The disappeared Beichen people reappeared in the city.

Xia Qinghe looked up, and Lin Ze was gone.

She looked around with a sense of loss, then sighed in her heart, and moved back to Beichen Academy with lotus steps.

At this time, Lin Ze had found Hongtian who was drinking in the city.

He dragged Hongtian away.

"Help me find someone!"

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