The old man was very angry.

"This anti-demon skill is based on the weakness of the magic skill. All practitioners of the magic skill system will be defeated by the anti-demon skill!"

"No matter what grade it is or how far it has reached, with the power of the anti-demon skill, it can ignore the level of the magic skill system and devour all the major magic skill practitioners."

Hearing this, Lin Ze became interested.

He asked.

"Including your real body?"

If this anti-demon skill can devour Liu Hanyan's real body, a top-notch formless saint...

Wouldn't that be a step to heaven?

"'s possible, but it may not be very smart to actually implement it."

"Then what's the point of creating this anti-demon skill? Relying on devouring all the demon followers to get rid of your real body?"

Liu Hanyan rolled her eyes at Lin Ze, "I haven't finished yet."

"Breaking the magic skill is only one of the functions of the anti-demon skill. Its real ability is to let me break away from the magic skill and no longer be suppressed by the magic skill and fruit!"

"Otherwise, if she doesn't die, not only will I not be able to achieve enlightenment, but I will also be suppressed by her fruit and be controlled by her forever, and my combat power will be reduced to one tenth of what it is!"

"How can I transcend it in this case?"

Lin Ze "You are her incarnation. If you change her plan, can you hide this path from her?"

"So I can't change her arrangement. In the idea she gave me, the arrangement of Qingyu always comes first. If I change it, she will know it at the first time."

"Therefore, I can only use her plan to achieve my goal!"

Liu Hanyan said in a brisk tone, "Her original arrangement was to let Xiaofeng learn the True Fire Holy Magic Art, guide him step by step into the magic path, and finally dissolve the magic power and Tao fruit, so as to completely control Xiaofeng's lifeblood."

"Once the little phoenix carries the luck of Qingyu and breaks the Tao Jieshan, at that last moment, she can devour Xiaofeng with magic power and seize the Daojieshan fruit!"

"This is the trend she set."

"And this just gave me a great opportunity!"

"Switch the dragon for the phoenix!"

"The magic power is still the same magic power, but the final beneficiary has changed from her to me!"

"If this goes on, when the final day comes, I'm sure her face will be very exciting!"

"As for whether this road is feasible... maybe it can, maybe it can't."

Liu Hanyan smiled, "But it's better than doing nothing and waiting for the day when you are devoured."

"...It's done Naturally, it was best, and she did n’t hesitate to create me, let me come to this person. ”Speaking of this, Liu Hanyan glanced at Lin Ze again,“ I did n’t expect it to be on the right track, and you made this game completely messy. Will you eat? "" Yes. "" It seems that I mess with you. She will come down to accompany me. All the aggrieved and unwillingness in the past 8,000 years are worth it! "" Destiny plus the magic merit, she lost! "If she doesn't give me a way to live, then we won't live!"

"But I want you to live."

Liu Hanyan's expression froze.

Turning her head, she met Lin Ze's eyes as vast as the starry sky.

In the dark universe, the stars emitted a soft light, shining into Liu Hanyan's heart.


The two looked at each other for a long time without saying a word.

For a long time...

Liu Hanyan lowered her head.

Her figure became illusory.

She said solemnly, "I can't live anymore."

"The power of destiny is unparalleled. Your destiny has destroyed all my life with your own hands. Under destiny, nothing can exist!"



Liu Hanyan's figure became increasingly dim.

"Are you leaving?"

"I have said everything I need to say. The core of the Anti-Demon Art and the fruit of the Demon Art are also in this blood crystal. It's time to go."




Liu Hanyan's finger pressed against Lin Ze's lips, "No need to say, I understand."

"This is the path I chose myself. I should bear all the consequences myself."

"But no matter what

...Ze brother."

Liu Hanyan's figure turned into scattered points of light, and her lower body had completely disappeared.

She was about to leave forever.

At this time,

a light lip was pressed on Lin Ze's forehead.

Soft and tender.

"Thank you for making me what I am! "

With this thank you, Liu Hanyan's last will completely disappeared!

Instead, there was a strange light ball emitting blood-red light and a crystal that had lost its color and was engraved with small blood-red characters.

The light ball was similar to the Nine Sects Dao Fruit that Lin Ze saw in the Sword Sect's forbidden land. It must be the Dao Fruit of the magic power.

As for the crystal engraved with small characters, it was undoubtedly the Anti-Magic Power.

Looking at the two objects in front of him, Lin Ze was silent for a long time.

Until the residual heat on his forehead completely disappeared.

He came back to his senses.


He took a deep look at the place where Liu Hanyan disappeared, and then took off the Wushi Sword Box on his back.

["Nine Extremes Supreme Law" Deduction in progress, 24 days remaining...】

24 days!

24 days is not long, and it passes in the blink of an eye for an innate person.

Originally, Lin Ze planned to take a spontaneous trip during these 24 days, to relax and have fun first.

Then he would deal with them and let them talk about their ideals one by one.

But now, Lin Ze felt that these 24 days were very long!

Every day felt like a year!

He couldn't wait!

Calculate, calculate, layout, layout!

He was tired of this damn chessboard!

He wanted to force himself to become a saint and settle accounts with them!

In Lin Ze's eyes, a trace of crazy blood flashed,

Reaching out,

He grasped the magic fruit!

The ability of the god-level enlightenment level 6 was revealed for the first time!

"Steal! ”

[You comprehend the great Dao of heaven and earth, and comprehend the wonder of the origin of Dao fruit!]

[You can understand the Dao of "Destroying the World Demon Tribulation"!]

[You stole the root of "Destroying the World Demon Tribulation", replaced the original, and became the ancestor of this Dao]

With the theft of Dao fruit.

In Lin Ze's body, a terrifying force instantly revived!

Destroying the World Demon Tribulation!

A stream of terrifying blood and energy that seemed to destroy the world was like the Milky Way hanging upside down, flying three thousand feet!

Countless bloody and evil spirits swept between heaven and earth, turning a world into a demonic domain!

The blazing demonic flames were everywhere!

The world was also overwhelmed by it!

At this moment, the entire Tianlan was startled!

The saints woke up from their deep sleep.

"This is... Destroying the World Demon Tribulation! ?"

"Isn't this the Dao fruit of that person?"

"It seems that the winner has been decided, and the fruit of Qingyu finally fell into the demonic way. "

"No... that's not right. This kind of movement doesn't seem like refining Dao fruit, but more like attaining the Dao and becoming a saint!"

"Achieving the Dao and becoming a saint by destroying the world! ?"


"Something big has happened!"

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