The past is gone, and the present is gone.

It surrounds the past, surges in the present, and washes in the future!

It is intricate and dreamlike, revealing a sense of fragmentation and chaos that is hard to see through.

Lin Ze has never seen such a strange thread of destiny.

And it is related to himself.

He looked at Wutong's back, frowned and remained silent for a long time.


After a moment, he raised his hand and waved it gently.

An illusory blood seal of the Eight Desolations followed Wutong silently and entered his destiny.

Let's pay attention to it for now.

After taking a last look at Wutong, Lin Ze's figure turned into wind and disappeared without a trace.


Southern Sky Region.

An ancient and simple long staircase exuding the ancient vicissitudes and the heavy breath of time appeared in front of Lin Ze.

This long staircase seemed endless, connecting directly to the depths of the clouds, which were locked in heavy clouds and could not be seen at a glance.

On the long staircase, there were dense cracks of weathering, silently telling the vicissitudes it had experienced.

This is the Ladder to the Gods, one of the three great relics of the ancient times!

According to the ancient legend of Tianlan, this is a road to the sky that can lead to the God's Court!

However, the road to the sky is long and endless!

So far, no one in the entire Tianlan has been able to walk to the end of the ladder and see the door of the God's Court with their own eyes.

Of course, this is on the surface.

As for secretly... those who can walk the ladder will not tell people that they have walked it.

Lin Ze stepped on the Ladder to the Gods.

A powerful illusory force came suddenly, trying to make Lin Ze fall into an illusion.

This illusory force is exactly the same as the ladder in the first level of Daojie Mountain, strong and powerful.

He looked up again and saw the missing section in the middle of the ladder...

It seems that Daojie Mountain is indeed made up of fragments of the three ancient ruins.

After confirming this, Lin Ze ignored the illusion of the ladder and went straight up to the nine clouds, reaching the end of the ladder!

The end of the ladder.

A tall and magnificent arched stone gate with a hollow door stands tall!

It is located deep in the clouds, like a huge Tianmai Mountain, suppressing the entire sky as far as the eye can see!

It is like an ancient giant god from the wilderness, exuding a solemn and solemn aura, guarding the vast sea of ​​clouds seen through the stone gate!

But unfortunately, this ancient 'giant god' has decayed and shattered.

Dense cracks are all over the stone gate.

There were also a few missing pieces at the top corners of the stone gate, and the ground was full of small stones that had fallen.

The whole place was filled with a sense of fragmentation and loss.

However, this sense of loss did not reduce the majesty of this "giant god", but instead added a bit of precipitation that had been polished by time.

If a mortal saw it, he would suddenly feel insignificant, and awe would arise spontaneously, and he would not dare to offend the face of the god!

Standing in front of the tall stone gate.

Seeing the clear fonts on the door, Lin Ze's face showed a bit of thoughtfulness.

"Southern Heaven..."

"So it's this Southern Heaven?"

As far as the eye can see.

Three eternal and indestructible characters were engraved on the broken stone gate!

Its name is:

Southern Heaven Gate!

Southern Heaven Gate, a familiar name.

The Southern Heaven Gate also existed in the ancient myths of Lin Ze's previous life.

And it's not just the Southern Heaven Gate.

This world also has monks and Taoists, and some of their legends are somewhat similar to the cultural allusions of Lin Ze's previous life.


Lin Ze suddenly thought of the fragments of the world projection he saw in the boundary river.

Those fragments have martial arts, witchcraft, and a thousand monsters... a hundred flowers bloom!

And these fragments were once part of the ancient world.

It's just that after the ancient world was broken after the battle of gods, they have evolved for countless years and finally embarked on their own paths.

Presumably, for these worlds, ancient existences such as the ancient heaven have long become an absurd myth in history.

Then... will the earth where Lin Ze once lived be the same?

From history, it has become an illusory legend?

This point is worth verifying.

If he can find the former earth among countless ancient fragments.



After taking a last look at the broken Nantianmen, Lin Ze went to the next destination.


This day.

Tianlan is in turmoil again!

The breath of destruction and shattering invades the entire world!

In the shattering, time and space are in chaos!

Cause and effect are reversed!

The time and cause of the entire world are in chaos.

The results are all in disorder, and layers of phantoms like mirages appear!

Tianlan Saints are the first to wake up.

"Time and space are disordered."

"Cause and effect are reversed!"

"Is someone modifying the fate of this world?"

"... No, that's not right, it's not modification, it's..."

A peerless light rises from the sky above Qingyu!


The pupils of the saints suddenly shrink.

As far as the eye can see.

The supreme Taoist prohibition that enveloped the entire Qingyu and connected the entire Tianlan lifeblood collapsed at this moment!

Tianlan's entangled fate for countless years was freed at this moment!

Settle the chaos!

Tianjie Volcano.

In the depths of the never-extinguished Yan Valley, the behemoth that had been sleeping for many years suddenly opened its red eyes!


It let out a roar that pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks, shaking the sky.

Then, a huge divine phoenix tore through the magma, rushed out from the depths of the volcano, and flew angrily with its wings.

Its wings were like clouds hanging from the sky, casting a shadow that covered the sky and the sun.


In the shadow, the blazing holy fire covered the entire sky!

The entire western part of Tianlan became crimson because of its existence, turning into a burning fire area!

Blazing! !

In the western world, a burning sun rose!

A wave of invisible and visible flames spread from the Tianjie Volcano to the entire Tianlan!

In the ups and downs, the terrifying high temperature scorched the earth.


The supreme existence that had been silent for many years once again announced His existence to the world!

Feng Laogui has awakened!

The eyes of the saints of Tianlan showed fear.

Although Feng Laogui has been sleeping for many years since his existence, he has never interfered in the affairs of Tianlan. In hundreds of millions of years, he has woken up only a few times.

But they dare not forget such a terrifying existence!

Feng Laogui, Feng Jiuge, this is an existence that can be compared with Tianlan's first holy spirit.

Especially he is also a bad temper!

Extremely irritable!

The saints did not dare to neglect, and even ignored the important matter of lifting the Qingyu Dao ban, and hurried to see Feng Jiuge.

"We are here to see the Phoenix clan's great saint!"

But Feng Jiuge, who had awakened, ignored the saints who were paying their respects.

At this time, he had no room for anything else in his eyes, and there was only the joy of finally breaking the cage and the pleasure of getting what he wanted!

"Here it comes!"

"This day has finally come!"

"Qingcang Laogui!! You can't trap me anymore!!"

Feng Jiuge shook his wings angrily, soared into the sky, and rushed out of the world!


"Follow me..."

The sky fire was rampant, burning the sky!

"Go home!!"


In the Tianjie Volcano, shadows of phoenixes rose into the sky.

Following closely in Feng Jiuge's footsteps!

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