Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with them.

Whether it is the emperor or the Lin family, they are all giants and they can't afford to offend them!

But the ministers of the Lin family don't like to indulge Wei Pingyuan.

They can't stand hearing this.

As soon as Wei Pingyuan finished speaking, someone immediately refuted with a sneer, "What Wei Sima said is ridiculous and funny."

"You said that the Lin family deceived their superiors and subordinates, right?"

"Okay, you are noble! You are amazing!"

"Then I would like to ask Wei Sima, how many dogs does your family have? How many times does the dog bark a day?"

"Does it bark more in the morning or at night?"

"Does it like to bark at shit or at Wei Sima?"

"Also, how many times a day do Wei Sima and your wife have sex? Do they have sex during the day or at night? Or do they have sex in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep?"

"Do you like to stand or sit?"

"Has Wei Sima reported all these things to His Majesty?"

"If not, are you also on guard against His Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, I also want to ask Wei Sima Sima Yiben! Sima Wei harbors evil intentions and dares to deceive the emperor! I beg your majesty to seal off Sima Wei's family..."

"How dare you fool around and spread rumors in front of your majesty?"

Wei Pingyuan said with a gloomy face, "General Liu, what benefits did the Lin family give you that you are speaking for the Lin family like this?"

"I speak for the Lin family?"

"Isn't it Sima Wei who is making things up?"


"What do you mean?"

"My Beichen Dynasty has always ruled the country with loyalty and filial piety. Sima Wei spread rumors to deceive the emperor. Liu stood up to stop him because of loyalty. Sima Wei humiliated my mentor, Duke Lin, and Liu refuted him because of filial piety."

"Otherwise, wouldn't you become a disloyal and unfilial dog thief like some people?"

Wei Pingyuan was furious and was about to open his mouth to scold General Liu.

At this time, Emperor Beichen stopped the two.


"General Liu, please be patient."


Emperor Beichen looked at Wei Pingyuan.

"Lord Wei, I have already said that Duke Lin is a loyal minister of our Beichen Dynasty and a pillar of the country. I do not believe that the Lin family will rebel!"

"The private army of the Lin family is also the power that the hereditary Duke should have."

"Let's leave it at that. Don't mention it again."

"As for Lin Ze's concealment..."

Emperor Beichen sighed, "The Lin family has encountered misfortune. It is indeed my Beichen Dynasty that is sorry for them."

"It is reasonable for Ze'er to keep a low profile."

"Besides, I am deeply relieved to have such a grandson."

"Next year, my Beichen Dynasty will surely produce a transcendent and innate god to protect my Beichen Dynasty for eternity!"

The ministers bowed respectfully, "Your Majesty is wise!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty! Congratulations to Your Majesty!"


Emperor Beichen raised his hand to stop everyone.

"But the Lin family's summoning of private troops will indeed have some impact on the order of the imperial capital."


"Let's put it this way. It just so happens that the Golden Autumn Banquet assassination case has come to an end, and those students who passed the autumn examination are about to enter the court."

"I have also arranged an official position for Ze'er."

"Xiao Guangzi, you will go to the Lin family to announce the decree, and by the way, tell Ze'er to pay attention to the impact."


Xiao Guangzi took the imperial edict prepared in advance and immediately went to the Lin family to announce the decree.


Lin family.

The personal soldiers from all walks of life were recalled one after another.

They arrived at the Lin family one by one.

On the way here, they all heard about the deeds of their young master Lin Ze.

Naturally, they also thought the same as those outside, thinking that their young master had been forbearing for many years and finally wanted to fight back.

This made the personal soldiers feel pent up!

You know, they have never been loyal to the Beichen Dynasty, but to the Lin family! It is the blood of Lin Ao!

When the two heroes of the Lin family and many brothers of the Lin family army were attacked by the Langdu Kingdom, the Lin family army was furious.

They wanted to make a big fuss and turn the whole Beichen upside down to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, sacrifice him, and then flatten Langdu!

Now that the young master finally has this idea and the ability, they must rush back to the Lin family to avenge the tragic deaths of the brothers of the Lin family and the two heroes of the Lin family!

The personal soldiers rushed back to the Lin family in high spirits, waiting to meet the third generation of their Lin family master.

However, when they arrived at the Lin family, the personal soldiers realized that the young master did not call them back to cause trouble, but to treat them!

It is said that the young master not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has superb medical skills, and is wonderful.

The hand is more exquisite than that of the imperial physician of the dynasty!

This made the guards stunned for a long time.

But after a moment of stunned, the excitement that could not be suppressed rose in everyone's heart again.

The root of their illness has always been a thorn in the hearts of the guards!

Over the years, they have suffered from the root of the illness and experienced torment.

They always want to erase it, restore normal life, return to the Lin family, and be with the brothers of the Lin family army.

Now they finally have the opportunity to erase the pain, how can they not be excited?

The guards did not doubt Lin Ze's strength.

They all knew that their master Lin Ao was a very rigorous person. If there was no hope of recovery, Lin Ao would never recall them so urgently and let them run in vain.


In the Lin family compound.

A long hot dragon lined up from the yard to the outside of the yard.

The soldiers were looking forward to the young master who was as dazzling as the peerless jade prince, using his magic to heal the old diseases of the wounded soldiers!

Every time one was cured, the long team became more eager.

"Okay, the next step is just some small problems of recuperation, go over there."

"Thank you, young master!!"

After the cured soldier bowed deeply to Lin Ze, he quickly went to Liu Hanyan to avoid delaying the treatment of other brothers.

The Liu family has been practicing medicine for generations, and Liu Hanyan, as the daughter of the Liu family, is naturally proficient in medicine.

After knowing that the wounded soldiers returned for treatment, she, as a child of the Lin family, volunteered to help.

Of course, her medical skills are not even as good as the imperial physician, so she naturally cannot treat these wounded soldiers.

Most of the time, Lin Ze is responsible for the major cures, and she will deal with the remaining minor problems and subsequent recuperation.

Sitting by the pavilion.

Liu Hanyan was looking at Lin Ze, who was concentrating on treating the wounded, with a complicated expression.

She thought she understood Lin Ze.

But for so many years, she actually never saw through him!

Under this seemingly frivolous and mediocre appearance, it turns out that there has always been such a dazzling soul hidden!


Liu Hanyan couldn't imagine what kind of power had been supporting Lin Ze's disguise for ten years.

In these ten years, he had to restrain the brilliance of his youthful prodigy.

He had to restrain the youthful vigor and sharpness that young people should have.

He had to endure humiliation and endure others saying that he was useless, that he was not as good as Lin Zhe, and that there was no successor to the Lin family.

He also had to pretend to be the one he hated to reassure all those who were secretly watching the Lin family.

He must be... very tired, right?



The voice of the wounded soldier brought Liu Hanyan back to her senses.

She withdrew her gaze with some embarrassment, took a look at the wounded soldier's condition, and prescribed a series of tonics.

"It's no problem. Just rest more and you'll be well in two days at most."

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