The old man was buried in the grave.

The Jiuji Dynasty is located to the west of the New Moon Dynasty and belongs to the core supervision area of ​​the Cangjian Mountain. In terms of material resources, financial resources and national strength, the Jiuji Dynasty in the core area of ​​the Cangjian Mountain is stronger and more prosperous than other neighboring countries.

The Liu family was able to move from the Jiuji Dynasty to Wu'an across the New Moon Dynasty...

It is likely that they moved to Wu'an to avoid disaster because they got into trouble!

Then I thought of the immortal gate big shot in Liu Changfeng's notes: the blood poison old demon.

Lin Ze wondered, could it be because Liu Changfeng wanted to crack the life-killing Gu that he attracted the revenge of the blood poison old demon?

Or, was Liu Changfeng involved in some feud between immortal sects, which implicated the entire family?

Thinking like this, outside the library.

Liu Zhen and other core members of the Liu family hurriedly flew in.

In a hurry.

Their faces were filled with worry as if the sky was about to fall!

When the maid came to report that the second young master was furious and wanted to summon all the elders who had a say in their Liu family, Liu Zhen and others were half-hearted.

After checking and checking, they really found something wrong! ?

Liu Zhen flew up and half-bent his body to get in front of Lin Ze.

He looked very cautious.

"Second Master! What happened?"

"But what conspiracy did our ancestor Liu Changfeng participate in?"

Lin Ze said calmly, "Master Liu, don't worry, it's not a big deal."

"I called you here just because of an accident."

As he spoke, Lin Ze took out the ancient book that was stained with water and showed bloody words.

"This master came here to find out the origin and solution of Juesheng Gu, and leave after checking."

"But I didn't expect that by accident, this book accidentally got wet, and the four blood-red characters "Do not use Shijiang" appeared!"

Lin Ze handed the book to Liu Zhen, "Master Liu, can you explain it to this master?"

Hearing this, Liu Zhen immediately glanced at Liu Hanyan who was wearing Lin Ze's long coat.

He looked at the ancient book stained with water in front of him.

How could Liu Zhen, who has been in the business for so many years, not understand what kind of "accident" it was!

At this moment, Liu Zhen wanted to slap himself twice!

You, what the hell is your business!

If you didn't interfere, wouldn't this matter be resolved?

Liu Zhen felt bitter, and he quickly took the ancient book and studied it with the Liu family elders around him.

After reading the information left by Liu Changfeng, Liu Zhen's heart twitched.

Don't let Shi Jiang...

Liu Zhen, Liu Zhen, you really deserve to die!

"This... this..."

"Second Master, we have no idea about the contents of this book!"

"Please be clear, Second Master!"

Lin Ze was speechless, "If this Master doesn't understand, you have no chance to speak now."

"Tell me, what's the matter with this Liu Changfeng?"

"Liu Changfeng..."

Liu Zhen and others looked at each other and thought about it carefully.

But after thinking about it, they didn't know much about Liu Changfeng and couldn't say any useful information.

Although Liu Changfeng was a figure from a hundred years ago, it is not far from now. Some of the Liu family members with higher cultivation came from his era.

But Liu Changfeng traveled around the world and was often not in the Liu family. Their understanding of Liu Changfeng was limited to a few words.

Finally, it was an elder of the Liu family who had an uncle-nephew relationship with Liu Changfeng who tried his best to recall and said, "Reply to the second young master, Uncle Changfeng likes to travel around the world to practice medicine and is often not in the Liu family."

"In a year, even I can't see Uncle Changfeng twice, and sometimes I can't see him once a year. He doesn't go home for several years!"

"As for Uncle Changfeng, I only heard him talk about him back then. He said that he joined an immortal sect organization called the Holy Sect and became a member of the immortal sect. He was highly regarded by the upper echelons of the Holy Sect."

"For this reason, Uncle Changfeng also found the previous head of the family, that is, It was Yan'er's grandfather who talked about it. He wanted to bring the Liu family into that holy religion and lead the Liu family into the immortal gate. "

"But the previous head of the family seemed to have different opinions on this holy religion and did not agree, so the next day, Uncle Changfeng left the Liu family again."

"This time he left for a full eight years!"

"Until one day eight years later, Uncle came back again."

"This time, Uncle was in a bad mental state. He kept himself locked in the house and wrote his travel notes."

"During this period, the previous head of the family seemed to have had a quarrel with Uncle."

"But what was the quarrel about?

There is no way to know. "

"Anyway, since then, the second uncle left the Liu family and never came back."

"I still don't know whether he is alive or dead."

"The above is all the news I know about Liu Changfeng."

Lin Ze heard this and thought for a while, "I seem to have heard that your Liu family moved from the Jiuji Dynasty to the Wu'an Dynasty?"

The Liu family elder nodded, "Indeed."

"Is there any connection between the time you moved to the Wu'an Dynasty and the last time Liu Changfeng appeared?"


Hearing Lin Ze's words, everyone in the Liu family was stunned.

They thought about it carefully.

"This... It seems that since the time when the second uncle left, our Liu family has offended some evil star, and various industries have taken a sharp turn for the worse. People in the family have also suffered a sudden disaster and disappeared inexplicably. "

"So the previous head of the family made a prompt decision and immediately sold the ancestral property accumulated over many years in the Jiuji Dynasty, quietly migrated, and thus crossed the Xinyue Dynasty and moved to the Wu'an Dynasty. "

After listening to the words of the clan elders, Lin Ze roughly understood.

At this time, the people who were searching for records about Liu Changfeng in the library had also sorted out Liu Changfeng's records.

They handed a few thin booklets to Lin Ze.

"Second Master, these are all the files and documents that record Liu Changfeng's news."

Lin Ze hummed and flipped through them casually.

There were not many highlights.

So, Lin Ze used the same trick again and soaked all the books in water.

But after a long time, no new blood words appeared on these documents.

It seems that the only clue left by Liu Changfeng is his travel notes.

Lin Ze took the handkerchief from Xiao Cui and wiped his hands.

"Forget it."

"Everyone leave!"

"Yes! "

Liu Zhen and the others understood, gave all the servants and maids a look, and transferred everyone from the library.

After a while, the huge library was left with only the Lin family.

Lin Ze walked back to the bookshelf and flipped through his books.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Don't waste it.


Liu Hanyan didn't know what Lin Ze was thinking at the moment.

She didn't ask, Lin Ze would say it when he wanted to.

She began to ponder the ancient book left by Liu Changfeng, and read his travel notes word by word.

In the library, only the sound of flipping books remained.

I don't know how long it took.

Lin Ze finally finished flipping through the Liu family's inventory.

The progress of the increase is quite gratifying, and his talent progress has reached 85.

There are only 15 points left to upgrade to lv3!

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