After practicing the True Fire Holy Magic Art, Lin Ze also interpreted the message left by Liu Changfeng.

It is not that Shijiang cannot be used.

Instead, it must be paired with the true blood condensed by the True Fire Holy Magic Art, otherwise, once Shijiang is taken, it will immediately stimulate the Gu worm, causing the person who is Gu to immediately fall into the pain of the Gu worm outbreak, or even die on the spot!

Similarly, Yingcaogen is not the true solution to Jueshen Gu, it can only temporarily suppress the toxicity of the Gu worm and weaken its power, but cannot completely kill the Gu worm!

So both Shijiang and Yingcaogen are just confusing messages left by Liu Changfeng to some people.

The real way to solve the Gu, from beginning to end, is only the True Fire Holy Magic Art!

Only those who have practiced the True Fire Holy Demon Art and reached the third level and can condense the Holy Demon True Blood can use blood as a guide to remove this life-destroying Gu!

As for why the True Fire Holy Demon Art can remove the Gu, Lin Ze doesn't know.

It is probably because the True Fire Holy Demon Art comes from the Holy Church, and the Blood Poison Old Demon happens to be a member of the Holy Church, right?

In short, it's OK as long as it can remove the poison.

Lin Ze is not interested in the Holy Church, the Liu Family and other related stories.

After about a bowl of blood, Lin Ze stopped the wound.

After a while, the wound healed quickly and dissipated into nothingness.

He dropped the blood condensed in the void into a large bowl, "It should be enough for my Lin family to remove the Gu."

With Lin Ze's "Burning Holy Demon Art" lv10 realm, a drop of his blood is much more precious than that of a little cultivator on the third level.

With his realm of skills, just a drop of blood is enough to save thousands of people!

But to be on the safe side, Lin Ze still put a little more.

After all, the Lin family are all family members, so it is safer to use more.

After filling the bowl of blood.

Liu Hanyan turned around to find blood-replenishing pills.

She said angrily.

"Really, you should have told me earlier that you needed blood."

"Why put so much in such a hurry?"

"You are not the only one in the Lin family."

Lin Ze waved his hand, "No need to look for it. With my realm, this little blood will not cause any harm to me. Let's use medicine to detoxify my family first."

Lin Ze has become an innate true body, with blood like a dragon!

The blood in the body is like mercury slurry, like a spring, endless!

Let alone this bowl of blood, even if the blood flows into a river and submerges the entire Beichen Dynasty, it will not cause any substantial harm to Lin Ze.

Although it is a bit outrageous to say so.

But, this is the great innate god!

Innate and acquired are not at the same level of life at all.

Hearing Lin Ze say this, Liu Hanyan had to go find the remaining Shijiang in the pharmacy.

She opened the medicine cabinet containing Shijiang and took a look.

"There are about three taels left, is that enough?"

Shijiang is not a commonly used medicine, and its use is scarce, so there is not much stock in the Lin family pharmacy.

"Three taels... It's enough for the core layer of the Lin family."

Liu Hanyan took out the gray Shijiang ball, shook it with force, and shook it into fine powder.

Then she mixed the Shijiang powder with Lin Ze's blood.

While mixing, Liu Hanyan instructed Xiao Cui.

"Xiao Cui, ask Lin Wei and others to go to the major pharmacies in the imperial capital to purchase some more Shijiang."

"Now, except for our Lin family, no one else knows the function of Shijiang, so it should be easy to buy."

"Yes, Miss!"

Xiao Cui quickly left the pharmacy, and she even closed the door of the pharmacy 'considerately' when she left.

"You guys, go with me to buy some Shijiang!"

She also transferred the guards outside the pharmacy.



The two looked at each other in silence.

This Xiao Cui!

You transferred all the people away, who will test the medicine?

"Lin Wu, come see me!"

Lin Ze called Lin Wu through the air.

The next moment, feathers fell in the void.

Lin Wu's figure emerged with illusory light and shadow.

"My Lord!"

Lin Ze pointed to the antidote prepared by Liu Hanyan in Lin Wu's hand.

"You go and try the medicine."

Lin Wu did not hesitate to Lin Ze's request to test the medicine, "Yes, my Lord!"

He picked up a small cup of blood medicine diluted with water that Liu Hanyan had divided and drank it down, and then used his energy to regulate his breathing to speed up the absorption of the medicine.

In less than a few breaths, Lin Wu finished regulating his breathing.

Lin Ze and Liu Hanyan's eyes immediately fell on Lin Wu.

"How does it feel?"

Lin Wu felt it carefully and said uncertainly, "It seems... nothing?"

"Let me see."

Lin Wu walked in front of Lin Ze.

Lin Ze's eyes instantly turned amber!

After achieving the innate true body, Lin Ze no longer needs to use the magic heart ban to directly lock the existence of the Gu worm with his pupil power!

In Lin Ze's amber pupil, the Gu worm in Lin Wu's body is melting and disintegrating, gradually melting and turning into a pool of blood!

Obviously, the medicine worked!

"It's okay, this medicine can be used."

Lin Ze's words fell.

Lin Wu was stunned for the first time.

No, it's ready?

Lord, you haven't touched it yet!

He listened to Lin Ze's instructions again, "Lin Wu, go and gather all the people in the Lin family and let them take the medicine."

After that, Lin Ze said to Liu Hanyan again.

"In addition, Xiao Cui has gone to buy medicine, and Shi Jiang can add more if it's not enough."

"But only my blood can be used."

At this point, Liu Hanyan already understood that those bloody small words must have other secrets, and it is not as simple as using blood to remove the Gu.

But Liu Hanyan did not ask any more questions.

Although Liu Hanyan didn't like the family that sold her as a commodity, she had to admit that the Liu family's education of her was right!

A smart girl shouldn't ask a man what he doesn't want to say.

Because when he wants to say it, he will naturally say it.

So Liu Hanyan just remembered Lin Ze's words, "I know."

"Well, I'll go see Grandpa and the others."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Ze had disappeared in the pharmacy and came to the main house where Lin Ao was.

Similarly, Lin Ze's arrival was silent and did not attract the attention of Lin Ao and Lin Mo.


Lin Ao was shocked, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows, and began to look at Lin Ze.

"When did you come, kid? I didn't even notice it."

Lin Mo was also shocked. If Lin Ze didn't speak, he wouldn't know he was here.

"Young Master's cultivation level is getting higher and higher, and I didn't notice it."

Lin Ze smiled mysteriously, "Then you two can take a look now."

After that, Lin Ze quietly released a powerful pressure of innate life!


In the Lin Mansion, the ground was blown by the wind!

The violent air waves instantly washed the earth!


The wind was howling in the ears of Lin Ao and the others!

The world was shaking in the hearts of Lin Ao and the others! !

Boom! !

Thunder was also roaring in the sky!

Lin Mo couldn't believe it, and his eyes almost fell out of his head.

Lin Ao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he blurted out, "Your uncle!"

"It's you!!"

Lin Ze withdrew the pressure and nodded, "It's me."

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